Do You Know What’s Really Shaping Your Reality?

Labor Day Weekend

I know that it is technically still Summer, but now it’s Labor Day weekend and that means that fall is sneaking up on us really fast!

It’s back to school and back to work. It’s shorter days and cooler nights.  It’s football games and after school activities.  It’s a feeling of being more confined, and disciplined so that you can be successful.

It’s getting the yard cleaned up, harvesting the garden, and getting it ready to be put to bed for the winter so the soil can rest and rejuvenate. (Can you tell I had a rural, farm background?  lol)

It’s funny.  I haven’t been in school or lived a farm life for years!  But that energy is so ingrained in my biological clock and in the collective, that it still impacts me to this day!

That brings me to the point of this article:

What are the patterns and programs that shaped you?

Are they positive or negative?

If some were negative, are they still active in your life – or are there still active pieces running?

And most of all, are they still serving you?

Most of us are so busy working, raising children, paying bills, and dealing with everyday life challenges, we don’t take the time to stop, examine and re-assess what it is that is really running our lives.

As you think back to childhood, what are the beliefs that you consciously or unconsciously adopted?  Have you taken the time to examine what they really are and if they are still important to you?

If you were an oldest child, and you were made to be responsible for the younger children, or made to feel responsible for everyone’s feelings, are you still doing that?

Are you carrying that fractal pattern into your personal or professional life and taking on too much responsibility while family members or co-workers should be stepping up the plate more often?

Perhaps you tell yourself it’s easier for you to just do it.  After all, you’ve been doing it all these years anyway, right?

overwhelmedBut are you also feeling overwhelmed, resentful, even angry because you are doing it all?  Perhaps you just can’t figure out how to delegate tasks, or give the authority to others who should be responsible.

That’s what I’m talking about.  That is only one example of old programming that might still be running us.  Often, there is a theme involved.  In this case, it is over responsibility.

While it does make us feel in control (admit it, you enjoy that feeling sometimes!), it also make you feel anxious.  It makes you tired and cranky sometimes too, because it feels as if the world is resting on your shoulders alone.

Where’s the help when you need it?

Now I’m not advocating you abdicate personal responsibility.  But I am suggesting that you examine this ingrained pattern and see if it still really serves you.

If it does, great!

If not, then it is time to get others on board so that they can feel the empowerment of learning new skills that give them a sense of accomplishment and worthiness.

Even getting the kids to make their beds, pick up their rooms and set the table gives them a sense of being part of the family and having chores they are capable of doing.  That builds their self-confidence and gives them a sense of accomplishment and mastery.

And the same applies to your co-workers.  Are you their emotional dumping ground?  Are you the person who unofficially takes on all the office’s emotional complaining and griping, and are then left exhausted, frustrated and out of sorts at the end of the day?

It’s the perfect time to suggest that instead of coming to you to whine, complain and emotionally unload, that they tell the person they have a problem with, or the boss instead.

Are you taking on more work in the office than you should and being overly responsible?  Now this is a little tricky, because there’s a belief in corporate life that the more you take on, the more you’ll be valued.  And there is something to that.

But if you’re taking on a number of tasks and there’s no recognition – just more dumping – then there’s a problem.

Identifying the hidden patterns and rectifying them will pay you dividends! Not taking on all the extra “shtuff” will allow you to create clearer more effective boundaries.  It will free up extra time and emotional resources so that you feel better and experience more joy.

I urge you to begin examining these hidden patterns and program for yourself.  You never know what you’ll find and just how powerful they are!

And if you get stuck, I’m always here to help!  I’m really good at uncovering those patterns that you just can’t see, so that you gain clarity and freedom.  And right now, until Sept 5th my private sessions are 50% off.

Here’s to creating new patterns of empowerment in your life!

Why Shouldn’t You Charge for Your Spiritual Gifts and Services?

I got an email from someone today berating me for charging so much for my services, and suggesting that people (I) shouldn’t charge for my spiritual gifts – or simply accept what people are willing or capable of paying.

I’ll be honest, I was pretty triggered at first…

free-your-mind-250x189Several thoughts ran through my mind:  surprise, outrage, a little judgment. At first I was offended.  I mean, would this person also send the same message to her doctor, her dentist, her lawyer, her hair dresser or massage therapist, or the actor or singer that she loves?  Would she send the same message to her grocer, butcher or pastor?

I don’t think so!

It is obvious she was in pain, and was lashing out at me from that place of pain.  But it was very ironic, considering she’d just opted in for a free gift, with no strings attached and appears to be new to my community.

But this is exactly the issue that so many of us who use our spiritual gifts to help raise consciousness, to coach and uplift others, and help heal the emotional wounds of the world grapple with on a daily basis.

This issue is based on a misconception that is outdated and completely at odds with the world we are currently living in.  It is based on old, past lifetimes where we took oaths of poverty to renounce all worldly goods to do the work of God.

But during those lifetimes, ALL of our material needs were being met.  We were housed, clothed, fed and our medical bills were paid for by churches or wealthy patrons.  And many of those lifetimes were lived with the consciousness of the VALUE that those services provided and the people receiving them gave equal or greater value in exchange.

Frankly I’d love to re-institute that system again. I would LOVE to know that I could give a class or provide coaching services that would be received and in return, equal or greater value be exchanged so that all my needs were met.

But that is not the paradigm that we are living in.  No one feeds, clothes, takes care of my medical bills, my household bills, or mortgage.  They don’t pay for my advertising or my incredible team of people who I have to pay, who make it possible for me to do my work.

So I have to charge a fee for doing business.  Just like a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional.

Just like all people I know, I do gift and contribute my time and energy for free or very little cost so that I can help as many people as possible.  I do it because I know that I am incredibly fortunate to be able to do what I do, and not everyone has the financial ability to pay for hours of my personal time.  I’ve been there personally!

There was a time that I didn’t have two nickels to rub together, or a roof over my head.  I was sick and bed ridden and didn’t know if I’d ever get to see my children raised.  I was miserable and jealous of those who were far more wealthy than I was, because I had no idea how to change my life at that time.  So I get it.  I really do!

hope-love-250x166I’m grateful I’m no longer the unhappy person I was all those years ago.  I am thankful for the mentors who helped me grow and see the value that was hiding within and yearning to break free.  And my mission it to forward that special love and support on, with every person who connects with me.

I’m so thankful for this woman’s email, because it made me look inside and at how this wound was affecting me.  I got to really see how I use my gifts to help others and the value that I do bring to the world.

But more importantly, I grateful that I can write this article to help others who question their value in the marketplace and fear stepping forward for this very same reason.  We have to look at this so that we can all begin to heal from this very damaging belief.  Hopefully, talking about this will help others see this issue and themselves in a different light, too.

It’s time to step beyond our limiting beliefs.  We need to recognize that if we are in judgment and attacking others, there’s something to be healed within ourselves first.

It is time to re-think the misbelief that we shouldn’t charge for our spiritual gifts and talents – no matter what they are.  Because every one of us has spiritual gifts and talents.  My doctor’s spiritual gift is being a world-class surgeon.  My massage therapist’s God-given gift is her healing hands.  My dentist’s God-given gift is his healing and artistic reconstruction of diseased teeth.

Everyone who has a job and is paid money for any work they do is being paid money for their spiritual gifts – the grocery clerk, the janitor, the child-care provider, the telephone operator, the heavy equipment operator, the garbage man, etc.

I want to challenge you to take some time to look within.  Have you been holding back because you are afraid that your gifts won’t be accepted, appreciated or valued?  What other spiritual gifts do you have that you could also bring into the world to uplift, entertain, heal, or add value to the world in your beautiful, unique way?  If you don’t know, I’d love to help you find out!

This month, for a limited time my private sessions are half off.  Click here to find out more.  Let’s spend some time together supporting you as you boldly step forward into the world with your unique and wonderful expression of the Divine You!

Want to Help Me Create a Tsunami of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy?

world on your shouldersWe are living in a time in history where more people than ever before are being impacted by war and violence.

Even if you or someone you love are not living in a war zone, you only need turn on the evening news, scroll through Facebook, turn on the radio,  or read the newspaper or a magazine, to feel the impact.  Our media is helping to spread the virus of bad news and violence with all of their sensationalized news reports.

And that doesn’t even take into account any of our unconscious programming or our soul’s memories of past lifetimes where we personally experienced violence…

Or any of our generational programming from our ancestors who were personally involved or impacted by war or other types of violence. Those intense memories and experiences get stuck in the DNA and often are passed down from one generation to the next.

It’s not something we like to talk about, because it is uncomfortable and scary.  We feel helpless to change anything that overwhelming and big.

In addition, our Spiritual communities teach us that that we don’t want to focus on the negative because it just creates more of what we are focusing on.  And there is some truth to that.

But that doesn’t make the energies or implications any less impactful.

Wouldn’t You Love to be Part of the
Solution for 
Worldwide Peace?

ripple-260x350The truth is that we are all connected by the morphogenetic field called the Collective Consciousness.  Every human being on this planet is in some way being affected by what is held in this field – especially when these powerful, painful and difficult energies are present.

However, right now, we can do something to help ourselves, our loved ones and every person on the planet.  We can eliminate our personal, energetic charges and fears regarding war and violence, so we are not adding to the conflict and mass consciousness.  And we can infuse positive, powerful new energies into the Collective Consciousness and help shift the tide for peace.

As you eliminate destructive energies, you change and upgrade your personal energies to a much higher, more positive level!

Just like dropping a single droplet of water into a pool, waves of positive frequencies begin to spread out, impacting those around us, and every human being on the planet.  With enough people resonating at a higher frequency, we can ultimately bring peace to the planet!

As a conscious, awakening human being, you have an opportunity to help shift the energy of war and violence and create a new reality space filled with hope, empowerment, renewal, peace and unity.

It won’t cost you a thing!  It is my gift to you.

Click here to receive your complimentary audio clearings that will help clear out the frequencies of war and violence.

I know it might seem very simplistic.  But we have to start somewhere.  Let’s tackle this head-on.  Let’s acknowledge that we have the power to make changes and uplift the world.  This is just the beginning.

Help me spread the energies of peace, hope and well-being around the world.  Share this page with everyone you know so that they can receive their free gift of healing and love, too.  Together we can effect powerful change and contribute our positive energies together in a tsunami of hope, peace, love and joy that will help change the human condition on this planet.

Countless Blessings!


Choosing Peace, and Love In Times of Conflict

world on your shoulders

Is it me, or does it feel like the world is unraveling and going mad?  Perhaps it’s that I so rarely watch the news because it makes my mind, body and soul hurt.  But I recently watched a news article from Scott Pelley, CBS news, reporting that there are 41 wars going on throughout the world.  My mind simply cannot comprehend that level of violence and human suffering.

I know it’s out there and that it exists.  I know because I have friends in the middle east and in the Ukraine who live with terror and uncertainty every day.  They’ve lost loved ones, and they are grieving.

I know because I work with clients from around the world, many who are personally impacted by war and personal conflicts.  But for some reason, it all sort of came crashing into my awareness  like a tsunami of information and emotional overload.

I will be honest, a big part of me felt so overwhelmed and helpless to effect change, that it made me cry.  For several days, I thought, “What’s the point of anything that I’m doing?  It’s not making a difference!”

And then I got a grip, and decided that I was not going to allow that nasty virus of emotional and mental thinking to get the best of me.  Because I know that I make a difference – and so do you!

To me, it feels like the conflicts are getting bigger and scarier.  I don’t say this to spread more fear and distress.  Just the opposite.  Because when we are faced with what appears to be a global virus of terrorism and conflict that we don’t have much control over, we have to decide here and now what we CAN do to make a difference in our tiny little corners of the world.

We have to hold the counterpoint to the evil and the madness that seems to be infecting and gripping the hearts, minds and souls of men and women throughout the world.  We have to choose – powerfully and perhaps more profoundly – that place of Love and Light and Peace.

Now more than ever, it is imperative that we find a way to center and ground ourselves so that we are immune to the virus and entrainment of war and conflict.   We cannot allow ourselves to be negatively influenced by the collective craziness, because if we do, we become a part of the problem, rather than part of the solution.

rainbowIt is time to stand in the truth of who we are and exercise our spiritual integrity.  Every single day, we must start off the day with some type of spiritual hygiene.  For me, it is doing my Prep to Work process to clear out the effects of the world energies and any impact from anything around me and my loved ones.

Then I do my energy exercise routine with cross-crawls, brain buttons, Cook’s hook-ups and other energetic activations.  Then I spend a few minutes meditating and asking for guidance for the day.

If I have anything come up during the day, I immediately take a few minutes to clear it out, rather than letting that energy sit in my field to create, attract or broadcast out into the world anything I don’t want to create or attract.

And I end the day with a very similar routine, giving thanks and appreciation for all that has been given to me and for the incredible life journey I am on.

I have found that if I don’t take the few minutes every morning and evening to do these very practical spiritual practices, I don’t feel well.  I don’t function well.  But most importantly, I cannot be an effective leader or person.  And that is not OK with me!

What rituals do you do every day that help bring more Light, Love and Peace into the world?  If you don’t have one, I urge you to start now.

In his book, Power vs Force, David Hawkins very clearly states that a person who is resonating at a frequency of Love (600 or higher on a scale of 0-1000) counter-balances the effects of negative frequencies for millions of people.

Now more than ever, it is critical that we do our personal work and release any old energies that are limiting our abilities to hold more Light, Love and Ascension level frequencies. With our knowledge of how to do that with all of the healing modalities and technologies we have, especially the Quantum Soul Clearing Process, we are automatically called upon to be in service to the world.

So at this time, I am sending out a clarion call to all Holders of the Light to shine, to transmit and share your love, your light and your gifts into the world.  Let’s set an intention here and now that we will project peace and love daily into war-torn areas of the world to help cool down the conflicts and hold space for peaceful resolutions.

We do have an extraordinary impact in the world.  We are either adding to the suffering or creating healing solutions for everyone.  We have personal choice and the personal freedom to make a profound difference in the world.  I challenge you to BE that difference now.

Want to help me create a tsunami of hope, peace, love and joy?   We can do something to help ourselves, our loved ones and every person on the planet.  Click here to access two complementary audio clearings that will help clear out the frequencies of war and violence.

Have you forgotten how to play?

hop scotchAll year we’ve been talking about hidden programs, the heavy programming of struggle and how we unconsciously sabotage ourselves.  We’ve done a lot of heavy lifting.

But it’s almost Summer, and I’m going to switch gears here and talk about playing.  We get so wrapped up in all the things we HAVE to do:  go to work, shop for groceries, raise our families, pay the taxes, pay the bills, bring our gifts and talents into the world and all that entails, etc.  And in all the “shtuff” of life, we lose track of what is really important:  Playing.  It’s why we do everything we have to do!

When was the last time you really played?  I’m not talking about going on vacation and flying or driving for thousands of miles to see something you’ve never seen before, or visiting friends and family – although that can be fun and if you are really playing it does count.

I’m talking about the kind of play that is relaxing, that is creative and fun.  When was the last time you picked up a ball and played catch?  When was the last time you took a walk or a hike through nature without watching the clock or fitting into your busy schedule – and then not being able to really enjoy it?

When was the last time you painted or drew just for the fun of it?  When was the last time you laid on your back watching the clouds and identified animals or shapes and told stories about what you were seeing?

When was the last time you rode a horse or your bike just for fun?  When was the last time you jumped rope or skipped, or played hop-scotch?  When was the last time you hunted for rocks for your special rock collection?

Day dreamingWe get so caught up in adult-type activities – and yes, those are fun, too.  But playing all-out like a kid can really get your creative juices flowing!  As we age we really do forget how to just PLAY!  When that happens, our lives start to get stale and rigid.  And we get burned out.

When we play, our minds relax, we release feel-good hormones that take us out of the stress mode of fight, flight or freeze, and we begin to rewire our brains and our bodies for creation.  When we move our bodies and our minds in creative play, we bring blood and oxygen and joy back into our bodies and minds.

Do you remember staring out the window and day-dreaming?  Why not try it again?  What can you begin to imagine that will make you feel fabulous and raise your creative powers?  What would you like to see happen in the near or far future that you can begin to visualize for yourself?  See how detailed and how in depth you can visualize what you want by engaging all your senses – smell, vision, taste, touch, hearing, sensing.

SwingFind a swing that you can swing on and pump your legs so that you are flying through the air!  Feel as the wind as it blows against your face and hair and how your stomach swoops as you rise and fall with the swing.  It’s a glorious feeling of freedom that you never get any other place!

Break out the lawn hose and the sprinklers, and run through them over and over like you are a kid.  Your neighbors will think you’ve lost it, but if you can let go and do it with abandon, I think you’ll find that it’s just as much fun as you remembered.  You can reconnect to that child within that is yearning to make himself or herself known.

It’s time to un-complicate our lives and spend time with ourselves just playing for the fun of it.  It’s time to feel the earth, the grass, the sand under our bare feet, to feel the sun on our faces, arms and legs, to let the breeze blow against our hair and skin and revel in the sensations!

This week, make a play date for yourself.  Get a box of crayons or finger paints and create like a kid!  Dance, laugh, giggle, squeal, jump, run, walk, crawl, rest, and play like you’re a kid again.  You’re going to love it!

You’re going to LOVE what comes next even more!  Make it a weekly date and see how quickly your joy-factor rises.  Watch how much more relaxed you feel and how many creative ideas arise.

It’s time to play, because playing equals creativity.  We manifest from our creative places, so if we don’t know how to play and have fun, we have trouble creating what we desire most.

Let me know how your play dates go.  I’d love to hear from you about how much fun you’re having and how those fun times are opening up the rest of your life!  Email me your stories and let me know if I can share them in my next newsletter.  You might just be an inspiration to others!

Here’s to a really FUN summer!  Tag you’re it!

Memorial Day

Memorial DayMemorial Day is being celebrated this weekend in the United States.  For many, it’s the beginning of summer and the first out-door camping trip of the year.  It’s the end of the school year, graduation and the beginning of long, summer days.

But Memorial Day is about honoring the servicemen and women who have fought and died for our country.  This day was originally called Decoration Day to commemorate all the fallen soldiers from both the North and South, during the U.S. Civil War.  It’s a day to remember our fallen heroes and loved ones who gave their all in service to their country.

I’d like you to join me for a few moments of silence and intentional thought or prayer, to honor their memory, service and sacrifice. In those moments of silence or prayer, ask for additional Love, Light and the Oneness of the Divine to be infused in them and in us all.

This day is one that my family has always honored and respected.  It was a time to tell the stories of friends and loved ones from generations long gone.  It was a way of remembering not just those who had given their lives in battle, but also those who had come before us and had ultimately given us life.

Visiting the cemeteries where my great great-grandparents, great grandparents, extended family members, and so many of their friends were buried, was something akin to a pilgrimage we did every year.  We brought flowers to decorate their graves and yard tools to make sure the headstones were cleared of creeping grasses and properly tended.

Each year the cemeteries were a glorious site to behold!  US flags, pinwheels, tens of thousands of flower decorations, balloons and other types of decorations make the entire day seem bright, beautiful and almost a holiday affair.  We’d meet other family members, cousins, aunts and uncles and sharing stories about those who had already left us.  I often heard about my pioneer ancestors, their trials and successes, and those stories always made them seem like dear loved ones, even though we’d never physically met.

And for me, being able to see all the spirits come out to visit and connect with their still-living relatives was something so magical and mystical!  The air shimmered with their presence and love.  It always felt like continuity to me.  A blessed connection and communion of sorts. Knowing that even though our bodies might die, we do not.  I always felt their joyousness in seeing their future generations, and knowing that they were still remembered. That has always been a comfort to me.

Us FlagsThis year I would also like to include in my day of remembrance all those who have ever served their country.  Especially those brave men and women of the world who strive for peace.  Those who have served and who have come home in pain or who have been wounded.  You are not un-noticed.  I see you.  You are not forgotten. I remember you.

As you courageously live each and every day, rebuilding your lives, raising your families, choosing peace and happiness as your way of living, I pay tribute to you for all you have been through and endured.  The sacrifices your families have made in order for you to serve have been made out of love, and carried out with endurance and quiet strength.

It is my wish, my hope, my desire – perhaps naively – that someday soon we will be able to find both the personal and world peace we all deeply desire so that no more lives are lost on the battlefield.  So that no one has to live with the emotional or physical pain and suffering as a result of war and conflict.

And so I want to share with you a beautiful poem entitled Wave of Peace, by Aufie Zophy.

Wave of Peace


I dream
of a wave of peace

A giant wave
Reaching beyond the fences
Moving deep inside

A wonderful wave
Drenching all the minds
Penetrating deep in hearts
Changing souls forever

A tsunami
Devastating all walls of greed
Destructive to violent thoughts
Ripping apart perversion
Erasing arrogance

A wave of peace, streaming
enveloping the world
Softening hearts
Wisening leaders

Just peace
Dare to dream with me
Let us all pray together

Let’s dream and believe
In a wave of peace

An awesome wave of peace

Struggle and the Energy of Change – Part IV


We’ve been talking about the energy of struggle and its hidden and not-so-hidden impact in our lives.  Struggle has been part of our individual and collective experiences since the beginning of life here on this planet.

Yet the energy of struggle is one that keeps us stuck, in pain and fearful about the future.  It brings great resistance to the energy, even the thought, of change and our ability to simply let go and move forward.

In a recent session with a client, I was shown just how deep the fear of change is for almost everyone – and what is lurking underneath change and fueling that deep fear and

resistance.  I have to admit it shocked me!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard clients say, “I just hate change!  I don’t do change well.”

When I’ve asked why, people have responded with, “I feel like if I make a change, it won’t be the right one – and then what will happen?”  Or, “If I make the necessary changes, am I really up to the challenge?  Am I good enough/smart enough/talented enough to handle it?”

People question whether they will be a success or a failure. (Both of those fears bring their own flavor of anxiety.)   They often wonder if the changes will even make a difference.  They are concerned that the little they already have might be taken away and then they’ll be left with nothing at all, if they make changes.

hope love dream faith trustWe can live with the devil we know, because we’ve been doing it.  But we’re not so sure that the devil we don’t know is any better.

What was revealed to me during that client’s session, is the deep distrust that things will actually change.  The resistance to change is about mistrusting that God or the Universe – or even you! – has your best interests at heart.

We feel that we’ve been lied to.  That the more we’ve changed, the more things stay the same.  We’ve put our trust in ourselves, in various gurus, or the church, or the system, or ourselves, and when we don’t see measurable results, we feel betrayed!  We’ve put our faith in something bigger than ourselves and we feel we’ve been let down and betrayed because the results have not met our expectations.

That betrayal seems to be the key to the resistance in feeling comfortable to make any changes.  And yet, we know we cannot stay where we’re at, because it’s not working and it’s just too painful.  And therein lies the biggest conundrum of all!

Pain, or even more pain because of betrayal. Whew! What a choice!

But what if circumstances and the energy of this new paradigm will now support your changes?

What if you can excavate the energy and the pain of past failures, betrayals and shattered dreams, to find the hidden treasure chest of what can be cleared and released, so that the new, higher energies available to us can actually support our dreams and desires?

time for change

How cool would THAT be??

One of the biggest keys to change is taking the time and effort to look within yourself, to dig deep, and discover what disappointments, fears, betrayals and damage happened as other choices you made resulted in less-than-stellar results.

Then you have the opportunity to release that old energy so that you have a clean slate from which to create.  Use the Quantum Soul Clearing Process™ to clear anything that you find.  Make sure you clear the energy of struggle and how it pertains to change.  Use your own wording, or use that phrase, which ever feels more relevant.

Once the clearing work is completed around your particular area of change and struggle, then you can re-examine the changes that you feel you need to make.  Does it feel like you have more options for change?  Can you see a clearer path to reach your objectives?  Can you accomplish your goals with just a small tweak – or do you need to make even greater changes?  Can you feel how much easier it feels to make those changes?  Everything looks different after you do your clearing work.

You can do this.  I believe in you.  And if you need extra help, I’m here to help.

In fact, between now and May 5th, I’m offering a spring special on private session work.  All private session packages are 25% off!  Send us an email to to start the process, and book your complimentary discovery session.

Here’s to releasing struggle and being able to make changes much more easily!


Are You Programmed to HAVE to Struggle – Part II

woman-struggling-unhappyEarlier this month I introduced the hidden program of “I have to struggle.”  This insidious, pervasive, unseen program is often at the root of much of our personal pain.

I want to explore this unconscious belief that you have to struggle, how you can begin to recognize it and remove it.  This is so important, because almost every human being has this disempowering program running in the background, and very few are aware of just how impactful it is!

But most of all, I want to help you understand just how intricately woven it is into almost every aspect of your life so that you can become conscious of it and nip it in the bud.  I believe you can begin to eliminate struggle as a core operating system in your life.  It is through clarity that you create freedom and can reinvent and re-create your life.

This week, I want to take a peek into how struggle is impacting your money.  Let’s look at some of the ways the hidden programs of struggle.

There are millions of people who struggle every day just for survival.  They work in low-paying jobs that they hate.  They work long hours and can barely make ends meet.  Millions of people and families are one or two paychecks away from homelessness and they worry how they will buy groceries and keep the utilities on.

I’ve been there personally, too.  Looking back, I remember the shame I felt about my working situations and the terror that was a constant companion.  I was a single mom with two teenage children.  I was barely recovering from being bed-ridden for two years with crippling rheumatoid arthritis, when I decided I could no longer remain in a broken marriage.  I had no job and was on disability, and knew that I’d never make it on the minimal money I had coming in.

I knew I had to do something – and quick.  I’d love to tell you that the next day I found a pot of money and I lived happily ever after, but that would be a lie.  Instead, I did what everyone running struggle programming does:  I found a low-paying job that barely kept a roof over my family’s head and was physically difficult for me to perform!

The program of struggle kept me in survival mode.  I was constantly in lack financially, and my body was under a great deal of stress.  I knew I wasn’t well-suited to the job, but figured “beggars can’t be choosers!”  (Hint:  That’s another struggle program!)

That job was filled with struggle – long hours in the sun, climbing up and down hills, while my body was still beginning to recover, and trying to learn entire new computer systems and a whole new set of job skills!  However, it also got me back into the work force, and gave me the confidence to look for other work that was more financially rewarding and more suited to my abilities.

My next job working in the telecommunications industry was almost three times the salary as my previous position.  But I still hadn’t resolved the underlying belief of struggle.  So I manifested a slave-driver as a boss and a company that viewed their employees as disposable resources that could be used up and thrown out at any time.  My stress levels were off the charts!

Because of the extreme stress, my health began to suffer again.  I would wake up in a cold sweat and sheer panic at 2 a.m. every night wondering how I was going to keep my job and raise my kids.  I was short tempered and controlling at home because I was exhausted and my body was in a lot of pain.  I didn’t know any better way to cope.

Ultimately, I got some counseling and learned new ways of lowering my stress levels.  As my stress levels came down, my pain levels also went down and I felt like I began to thrive.  And still I didn’t recognize just how ingrained the program of “I have to struggle” was in every facet of my life.  But I had learned how to cope more efficiently.

Perhaps you can relate to this scenario.  Or perhaps you have your own unique way of believing you have to struggle.

It has taken me years to discover this hidden program and I’d like to help you find a shortcut to eliminate this destructive program if possible.  I believe it is truly at the root of much of our pain and suffering.

So what how does the program of struggle show up in your life?  What does it look like?  Are you even aware that you’re struggling.  Most people have a sense that they do struggle at some level, but aren’t aware of how all-encompassing it is.

Here are some things to think about as you explore this program more deeply:

  • woman-overwhelmed-strugglingDo you procrastinate and put things off until you are in crisis?
  • Do you find yourself having challenge after challenge after challenge?
  • If so, do you feel triumphant after you’ve overcome each obstacle only to have something else pop up soon?  (Hint:  This can also be tied into an addiction of triumphing.  Using conflict and challenges to create an emotional and spiritual high.)
  • How often do you feel like you have to rob “Peter to pay Paul” throughout the month?
  • When was the last time you felt like you could breathe deeply and relax because things were going to be OK?
  • Do you experience having an abundance of money only to find that the hot water heater goes out or that the car needs to be fixed – and there goes that extra abundance?
  • Do you find yourself kvetching about how bad traffic was on the way to work?
  • Is your attitude on the darker side – feeling pessimistic about life in general and some things in particular?
  • Are you at odds or in active conflict with your family, friends, or co-workers?
  • Do you make a big deal out of 1st World problems – your food didn’t come fast enough, your cell phone service dropped your call again, you just can’t find anything to wear in your already full closet, etc.?
  • Is everything generally good in your life, but you’re still not satisfied or happy?
  • Do you feel tense and irritable more often than not?

These are just a few of the ways that we can identify whether we are actively running the hidden program of “I have to struggle” in our lives.

Now, to be clear, not everything goes smoothly every day.  That would be unrealistic.  And everyone is entitled feel their feelings when something doesn’t go according to expectations!  That’s normal.  There’s nothing wrong with truly feeling your feelings.  In fact, it is IMPERATIVE that you feel them clearly, deeply and strongly!  Because feelings are the soul’s way of speaking to you.

But how you react to the things that show up in your life will give you big clues as how much this program of struggling is affecting you.  “Having to struggle” programming makes us feel disconnected, anxious, unworthy and overwhelmed.  Wouldn’t you like to feel better?    Did you know that you DON’T have to struggle?  Did you know it is even possible to change the energy of struggle?

So here’s my challenge:  Notice how you are feeling!  Write your feelings down.  Notice and record when you feel tense, anxious, irritable, unhappy.  What are the circumstances and events that trigger those feelings? Don’t judge those feelings!  Just take note and begin to watch for patterns that begin to emerge.  Listen to your intuition and insights.

Also notice what makes you happy or brings you a sense of peace and serenity.  Notice when you feel connected and aligned.  What makes you laugh and what uplifts you?

Keep a journal or a daily notebook so that you can begin to connect the dots.  Especially notice and keep track of the ways you feel about your finances and money.  This is the area in which  most people struggle the most!  Notice all the ways you feel uncomfortable when you spend, or when you can’t spend.  Identify the ways you feel conflicted about money in any way!  Pay attention to the inner voices that “talk to you” about your money and write down the words.

Then join me April 3rd at 5:00 p.m. PT/ 6:00 p.m. MT/ 7:00 p.m. CT/ 8:00 p.m. ET for a free training call as we explore this subject more fully.  To register for this free training class, click here to reserve your seat.  Space is limited, so register early.

I look forward to “seeing” you there!

Next month, we will explore ways that you can begin to resolve and release the negative struggle programming that you’ve identified and are experiencing.   It’s time to release the old, hidden struggle programs, so that you can easily and powerfully manifest your goals and dreams.

Here’s to the start of your journey to freedom from struggle.  I can hardly wait to see what you create as you begin to release struggle and step into ease, flow and grace.

Are You Programmed to HAVE to Struggle?

Struggle-Hands-Holding-On-SmallI’ve had a lot of time to contemplate life – my life and life in general – since my surgery on January 14th. And one of the things that I started really thinking about is how life can be a struggle.

If you’ve followed me for very long, you know I believe that we can heal from just about anything. And I have. But my dogged determination that I could heal this thing by myself actually got me in to quite a fix! Ultimately that stubborn focus created even greater struggle in my life.

By the time I’d finally contacted my surgeon and got in to see him, I was barely able to walk from one end of my home to the other – and I required a walker to do it. In fact, the damage was so extensive, my right leg was more than two inches shorter than my left! Yikes!

In retrospect that was more than determination, it was really about stubborn disregard for the facts, and turning a blind eye to my own care and well-being. Exactly the opposite of what I teach! (Yes, I see the incongruence there, believe me!)

Thanks to my monthly membership group, I realized it was also a subconscious program of HAVING to struggle. The brilliant members of my group and I started to dig into the universal belief that at our core, we are programmed to HAVE to struggle – even if there might be an easier way.

The fact was that I needed help. Outside medical, western medicine help. (There, I admitted it!) And thank GOD that it was available! 100 years ago, I would have had to just live in excruciating pain and suffering – and utter disability. Struggling every day. Not a pretty picture, to say the least!

In the dictionary, struggle is defined as:

  1. to contend with an adversary or opposing force.
  2. to contend resolutely with a task, problem, etc.; strive: to struggle for existence.
  3. to advance with violent effort: to struggle through the snow.
  4. to make one’s way with violent effort.

Obviously, struggle is the opposite of ease, flow and grace. When we are struggling, we are disconnected from the flow of the divine. We are forcing a certain agenda in our lives for a specific outcome and not allowing new opportunities for healing and transformation into our lives. Additionally there is a component of violence that is just opposite our desires for happiness and well-being.

So what does struggle look like in your life? Are you even aware that you are struggling? I wasn’t! To me it looked like focused determination to overcome physical pain. (OK – so that is struggling!)

Do you have to struggle to make ends meet every month? Do you struggle with your weight? Do you struggle to make a relationship work? Do you struggle with guilt, shame, overwhelm, addiction, self-loathing, jealousy, etc? What is your unique flavor of having to struggle?

14991655_sWhat do you get from having to struggle? Are you like me, feeling triumphant when you hurtled huge obstacles? Is there an addiction to being triumphant?

Since our last group coaching session, I’ve become much more cognizant of what struggle really looks like. How hidden programs of struggle – HAVING to struggle, to be exact – have been sabotaging my personal happiness, health and wellbeing. Even my finances! It’s almost like an addiction to overcoming obstacles!

In my mind’s eye, I allowed myself to go back through my own life, recalling family stories of struggle and having to overcome big hurdles. I’ve been looking at the news and societal issues. And I’ve been astonished at just HOW MUCH we all believe we need to struggle, rather than allow good into our lives.

In a meditation, I got to see how, from the beginning of life on this planet, we have been programmed to struggle. For food, for existence, for shelter, for our country, for our RIGHTS (that’s a big one!), for our ability to be ourselves.

Over the next weeks, I will be exploring and writing more about this all-consuming subject. I want to challenge you to begin examining your own life and observing how struggle might be impacting you. Start to journal about it. And start doing the Quantum Soul Clearing Process when you find struggle programs that are sabotaging your best efforts for success.

You might also consider joining my monthly membership program to help you explore and release these powerful, hidden determinants to your happiness, wholeness and success. You can learn more about the group membership program here:

I would love to hear from you! Let me know what types of struggles you are observing in your life and how much time, energy and life-force you are spending just dealing with the struggle. What and how are you not allowing more ease into your life? Let’s release this energy and co-create something much more life-enhancing!

Here’s to a life of greater freedom, ease, flow and grace!

We Can’t Do it Alone

Concerned Doctor“Well, there’s no question, Michelle. You have to have that hip replaced. There are no other options. It’s a good thing you’re using that walker, otherwise the head of that femur could break off at any moment. And you do NOT want that.”

My heart dropped and my pulse kicked into high gear. Another surgery! It has been seven years since I had my knees replaced. I’d hoped I would never have to have another surgery. Yet here I was, sitting in my orthopedic surgeon’s office hearing what I took to be a sentencing – and a judgment of my inability to heal myself.

I’d failed again! Where had I gone wrong? What could I have done differently? Why ME? I could feel tears stinging the backs of my eyes, and swallowed hard to keep them from falling. I’d cry later in private. Right now I needed information and I just wanted time to process everything.

My doctor’s eyes and demeanor were very compassionate, personable and professional. I felt like I was in extremely competent hands and could trust him completely. I don’t give my trust to those in the medical profession lightly, and was surprised to find that I felt really good about my doctor. I wasn’t feeling panicky – just a little shocked at how bad the x-rays looked glowing there on the wall.

As I looked at the x-rays, I could clearly see the more than two inches difference in the side-ways tilt of my pelvis, sacrum and low back in the weight-bearing pictures. In a flash, I could see why my chiropractic adjustments haven’t held for long. They can’t – there’s no support. No foundation. Nothing strong or substantial to make the adjustments stay in place. With each step, everything twists and contorts out of place because the bone and skeletal structure just isn’t there!

When I got home, I decided it was time to meditate and contemplate what was really going on – on every level. As I was checking in with the Divine, I heard, “Hips are part of your foundation and support.” While you stand on your feet and legs, your hips are the foundation for your entire torso and upper body. They are the lower balance point/counter balance point for your shoulders and upper body.

I know from personal experience now that if there is any imbalance in the hips, it throws the entire pelvis, sacrum, low back, upper back and neck out of alignment and balance – and ultimately impacts how your head attaches to the neck.

Bones are the framework for the muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues to hold their shape. Without bones, we are just little piles of gelatinous tissue.

Louise Hay, in her little blue book, Heal Your Body, says that hip problems represent the “Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to.” And bone problems are about a rebellion to authority. (That certainly resonated for me! lol)

The fact that the head of my femur bone is dissolving and dying tells me that my old foundation is crumbling and no longer supporting me. We make important decisions based on the foundation of our beliefs and experiences. Our past or present definitions, experiences and beliefs create our foundation, and for me, that old foundation has been dissolving for a long time.

I know what I’d like to experience, but like a landscape of sand that suddenly begins to shift because of wind or rain, I’ve found myself with no sure footing and not trusting that there is a safe place to move. So rather than trust that I’d find the right solution to the pain in my hip and sacrum, I did nothing – and that foundation continued to rot away. And I hadn’t replaced it with a new foundation yet.

One of my foundational beliefs is that I can heal my body – and that I have to do it all myself. Because I haven’t been able to resolve this situation, I’ve felt like a failure and a fraud. And the resulting feeling has been one of shame.

I recently spoke with my dear friend and former radio show co-host, Susan Kern. I was telling her how I was feeling. She’d had a surgery last year and had gone through many of the same feelings and experiences as I have been experiencing. She shared with my her wisdom.

I told her – and now I’m telling you – that I have had such profound judgment (and the resulting shame of the judgements) that if I’m such a connected spiritual healer, that I should be able to work a miracle of healing for myself. I feel like I am in service to the planet. I do amazing work with people, who have spectacular results, and I haven’t been able to effect a change of my own. Because I have not have that instantaneous remission and the bones completely re-knitting and cartilages re-growing, then I’ve believed that there’s something wrong with ME!

That was when Susan said, “Michelle, surgeons are expressions of the Divine themselves. They too have a mission of service and work their miracles through the science and art of surgery and healing. They cannot fulfill their mission of service if those of us who are carrying these burdens don’t show up and allow them to part of the Divine co-creative team to work those miracles with you. You do NOT have to do this yourself!”

She also pointed out that I hold energy for millions of people around the world with my work. My hip is also a metaphor for everyone in the world, as well. We are all working from a foundation that no longer supports us! And as I (and each of us) repair the damage and gain a new foundation, I am (we are) also allowing and modeling for others that there is healing in all forms.

As we work co-creatively as a team with Source and the Unseen, we are also working co-creatively together as a human species to make massive change and shifts. It may look personal, but it really is not. It is quite global because we are all connected.

I started to cry when I got it. We are not meant to do this healing work alone. God works in so many ways – not just through alternative healing methods, but also through modern medical intervention.

I realized that I would never hesitate to see a dentist if I had a cavity or broken tooth. How is seeing a surgeon – or any other type of medical doctor – any different? I had just blinded by my beliefs, along with my past experiences! I realized just how guilty I have been of “spiritual significance.”

I thought of the story of the man who, in a flood, calls to God asking for a miracle and to be saved. So God sends someone in a row boat to save the man, but the man refuses and says, “God will save me.”

As the waters rise, he calls out again, “Please God, save me!” And God sends someone in a motor boat to pick him up. But the man refuses, saying “God will save me.”

Finally the waters rise to the top of the roof and the man again beseeches God, “PLEASE GOD! SAVE ME!” And a helicopter shows up to pick the man up from the roof. But again the man refuses help, saying, “God will save me.”

Soon the waters rise higher and the man drowns. As he reaches the Pearly Gates of Heaven, he is righteously indignant with St. Peter. “I was a righteous, man. I prayed and did everything that God asked of me to do. And still I drowned! What did I do to deserve that?!”

St. Peter was quite taken aback and suddenly, the clouds parted and a booming voice filled the heavens. God said, “I sent you a row boat, a speed boat and a helicopter! What more did you want?”

Everything in this world – and everyone in it – has a Divine mission and presence. If we are truly co-creating with the Divine, and we are, there many more answers to our prayers and petitions than we have been willing to see because they don’t conform to our beliefs! Like me, how are you not seeing what is right in front of you? How are you refusing help that is part of the Divine plan?

There is no shame in admitting that you can’t do it all yourself. We are not designed to do anything by ourselves! We need each other. We sometimes need practical, medical intervention. And when we do, refusing help is refusing the Divine’s miracles of healing.

100 years ago, I would have had to simply suffer endlessly. There were no joint replacements. There were not even very good pain relievers or antibiotics!

We are not just spiritual beings. We are also in physical form. All types of healing modalities have been put here on the earth for our good and our use. The journey is learning to find the balance.