to the Quantum Soul Clearing Community!
enter your information below to receive your free gift:
Releasing Limitations and Finding Joy MP3
you ever have moments of discomfort? Would you just like to lean on
someone for a few minutes – or to have a resource that can help
support, strengthen and boost your over-all well-being and infuse you
with a higher frequency than you’ve yet been able to attain and hold on
your own.
What if you had a tool to help you create a strong framework of
energetic support for yourself as you powerfully move forward as that
conscious co-creator and empowered master of your life?
Well now you do – and you can!
My new audios, The Explosion of Joy Transmissions, are channeled
energies from Source. As you listen, your body, mind and soul are
being attuned and activated to a much higher frequency level of
Being. The Explosion of Joy Transmissions work by aligning all
aspects of your body, mind, soul – your Entire Being! – to a much
higher resonant frequency that is fully aligned with Source and with
your Soul’s purpose.
Please enter your information below to
receive Releasing
Limitations and Finding Joy MP3
Thank you!
Michelle Manning-Kogler

Manning-Kogler is a world renowned Transformational Healer,
Motivational Speaker, Certified High Performance Coach, and Author of Quantum Soul Clearing -
Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul. She is
the Founder of the Quantum
Soul Clearing Processes ™,
a spiritual technology that helps people eliminate the emotional pain
from the past and create powerful new ways of living joyously and
For almost 30 years, Michelle has practiced in the fields of Energy
Medicine, Holistic Health, Meditation, and Distance Healing. She
holds several professional certifications in Energy Medicine healing
methods, nutrition, herbal medicine, and kinesiology.
Michelle’s coaching services are designed to help overwhelmed, burned
out entrepreneurs and small business owners release the stress and
hidden belief systems that are draining their energy, enthusiasm and
joy for life and work. By understanding and eliminating old,
outdated belief systems and inaccurate inner stories that are
sabotaging her client’s productivity and success, Michelle helps her
clients ultimately create and experience empowered, juicy lives and
fall in love with their businesses again, so they can revolutionize the
Her private and group programs are a customized blend of her multiple
intuitive and healing skills, while also utilizing practical, powerful,
High Performance Coaching principles and practices. Michelle
ultimately helps her clients ignite their infinite potential in their
chosen fields of work and service and ignite emotional, mental,
physical, spiritual and financial health and well-being, to create
balance, wholeness, self-awareness and empowerment.
Her work brings practical and uplifting tools and messages of hope,
healing, and transformation to ignite human potential and evolution in
the world.