Why Shouldn’t You Charge for Your Spiritual Gifts and Services?

I got an email from someone today berating me for charging so much for my services, and suggesting that people (I) shouldn’t charge for my spiritual gifts – or simply accept what people are willing or capable of paying.

I’ll be honest, I was pretty triggered at first…

free-your-mind-250x189Several thoughts ran through my mind:  surprise, outrage, a little judgment. At first I was offended.  I mean, would this person also send the same message to her doctor, her dentist, her lawyer, her hair dresser or massage therapist, or the actor or singer that she loves?  Would she send the same message to her grocer, butcher or pastor?

I don’t think so!

It is obvious she was in pain, and was lashing out at me from that place of pain.  But it was very ironic, considering she’d just opted in for a free gift, with no strings attached and appears to be new to my community.

But this is exactly the issue that so many of us who use our spiritual gifts to help raise consciousness, to coach and uplift others, and help heal the emotional wounds of the world grapple with on a daily basis.

This issue is based on a misconception that is outdated and completely at odds with the world we are currently living in.  It is based on old, past lifetimes where we took oaths of poverty to renounce all worldly goods to do the work of God.

But during those lifetimes, ALL of our material needs were being met.  We were housed, clothed, fed and our medical bills were paid for by churches or wealthy patrons.  And many of those lifetimes were lived with the consciousness of the VALUE that those services provided and the people receiving them gave equal or greater value in exchange.

Frankly I’d love to re-institute that system again. I would LOVE to know that I could give a class or provide coaching services that would be received and in return, equal or greater value be exchanged so that all my needs were met.

But that is not the paradigm that we are living in.  No one feeds, clothes, takes care of my medical bills, my household bills, or mortgage.  They don’t pay for my advertising or my incredible team of people who I have to pay, who make it possible for me to do my work.

So I have to charge a fee for doing business.  Just like a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional.

Just like all people I know, I do gift and contribute my time and energy for free or very little cost so that I can help as many people as possible.  I do it because I know that I am incredibly fortunate to be able to do what I do, and not everyone has the financial ability to pay for hours of my personal time.  I’ve been there personally!

There was a time that I didn’t have two nickels to rub together, or a roof over my head.  I was sick and bed ridden and didn’t know if I’d ever get to see my children raised.  I was miserable and jealous of those who were far more wealthy than I was, because I had no idea how to change my life at that time.  So I get it.  I really do!

hope-love-250x166I’m grateful I’m no longer the unhappy person I was all those years ago.  I am thankful for the mentors who helped me grow and see the value that was hiding within and yearning to break free.  And my mission it to forward that special love and support on, with every person who connects with me.

I’m so thankful for this woman’s email, because it made me look inside and at how this wound was affecting me.  I got to really see how I use my gifts to help others and the value that I do bring to the world.

But more importantly, I grateful that I can write this article to help others who question their value in the marketplace and fear stepping forward for this very same reason.  We have to look at this so that we can all begin to heal from this very damaging belief.  Hopefully, talking about this will help others see this issue and themselves in a different light, too.

It’s time to step beyond our limiting beliefs.  We need to recognize that if we are in judgment and attacking others, there’s something to be healed within ourselves first.

It is time to re-think the misbelief that we shouldn’t charge for our spiritual gifts and talents – no matter what they are.  Because every one of us has spiritual gifts and talents.  My doctor’s spiritual gift is being a world-class surgeon.  My massage therapist’s God-given gift is her healing hands.  My dentist’s God-given gift is his healing and artistic reconstruction of diseased teeth.

Everyone who has a job and is paid money for any work they do is being paid money for their spiritual gifts – the grocery clerk, the janitor, the child-care provider, the telephone operator, the heavy equipment operator, the garbage man, etc.

I want to challenge you to take some time to look within.  Have you been holding back because you are afraid that your gifts won’t be accepted, appreciated or valued?  What other spiritual gifts do you have that you could also bring into the world to uplift, entertain, heal, or add value to the world in your beautiful, unique way?  If you don’t know, I’d love to help you find out!

This month, for a limited time my private sessions are half off.  Click here to find out more.  Let’s spend some time together supporting you as you boldly step forward into the world with your unique and wonderful expression of the Divine You!

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