Thank You! August 8, 2012

I got a thank you note today from a man I’ve never met. In fact, until this moment, I didn’t know he even existed. Yet, he has changed my life. His message to me was very simple: “Thank you for your gift.”

This one-sentence message was filled with the frequency of true, pure thanks and appreciation. I could feel it to the depths of my soul! And it made me stop and think for just a moment: How many times have I signed up for a free gift from someone and never thanked them for it? How many times have I received something and never honestly let the other person know how special their gift was?

Wow! This one brief sentence has brought me such an awareness, such an incredible feeling of joy! It is a reminder of how to be thankful for seemingly small things in life. Yet, that one small gift of thanks has blown my heart open wide.

This man with the beautiful, kind heart; with the graceful manners to write out a thank you note, is teaching me how to be thankful in ways both small and large.

Two words: “Thank you.” How often have you heard them? How often have you said them? How often has their full importance truly touched your heart? Until this moment I’m not sure I really knew. Oh sure, I always say, “Thank you.” But the heart-felt frequency of pure thanks that I received today is something so special I can barely put it into words.

So I want to say to you, “Thank you.” Thank you for reading this blog post. Thank you for being part of my community. Thank you for allowing me to live and share my innate gifts with you. Thank you for sharing your time and your thoughts with me. And thank you for being YOU. I give profound thanks for you.

Many Blessings,

How To Be Peaceful When You’re Spinning Out of Control

Today I had a Quantum Soul Clearing group coaching call didn’t happen.  I was pretty frustrated and angry because my internet connection was not working – again!  I’ve had more trouble with my internet service provider in the last month than I’ve had my entire life put together! To say that I was beginning to spin out of control would be an understatement!   I knew I had to find a way to be peaceful immediately, because it feels so awful when I’m angry.

The funny thing about that is my Quantum Magic Hour show this week on with my co-host Susan Kern, was all about this subject!  The joke was on me!  Apparently I was the one who needed this information the most!

What I watched myself do today was nothing short of impressive (on many accounts – both positive and negative).  When I woke up early this morning, my internet service wasn’t working, so I called the phone company, (again) and was told that they were aware of the problem, it was wide-spread and they were working on the problem.  No other information, and no time by which it would be repaired.

I thought, “That’s OK – my group call is hours away, they’ll have it fixed again.”  And began working on other projects that needed my attention.  However, there was a piece of my brain that would not let it go!  It felt kind of like how if you chip a tooth, your tongue will not leave it alone, even if it makes your tongue sore.

After awhile I began to notice that not only wasn’t my mind letting go of the fact that I had no internet service, it began to spin a whole story about what not having service really meant!  Here’s kind of how it went:

“You’re not going get on your calls.  You’re going to miss all those skype calls you had scheduled!  You know how important this is.  People are depending on you!  You can’t even let them know you might not be on the call!  What will they think?  They’re going to be angry with you for breaking your promises to them.  You’re going to be judged. People will think you’re flaky.  You’re going to lose friends and customers.  You can’t keep your promises.  What if you can’t get on-line for days?  What will happen to your business?”  And it went on and on and on and on!  It was crazy all the places my mind was going!

Finally, about an hour before the call I had to just stop myself.  I realized I was only making things much worse.  Then I realized I could have someone else send a message! (duh! I couldn’t even think about the solution, since I was spinning so far out of control!)  So I got up, got some water, called my assistant to have her send an email since it was obvious I wasn’t going to get service back, and started doing my own clearing work.

I cleared “being judged,” “letting down others,” “feeling guilty,” “I can’t keep my promises,” “anger,” and “frustration.” After the first clearing I was feeling better, and by the end I was in a completely different place!

I was absolutely amazed that:  1) I’d let myself even get to such a place of panic and spinning out of control (I rarely go there anymore because it feels so awful!); 2) that this process works (yes I know that it does – but it always amazes me just HOW well it works); 3) how empowered I felt and how much better my body felt; and 4) how big the compulsion – maybe even the addiction? – was to get caught up in the negativity and the chaos!

Then I began wondering how other people who don’t have the Quantum Soul Clearing process actually get through their crazy, spun-out experiences.  What do people do it they don’t have tools to help clear out awful-feeling negative emotions so they can get re-centered in just a few minutes.  That thought, alone, made me realize how important it is that I get the message of the Quantum Soul Clearing process out there to help people in these crazy, stress-filled times.  So I’ve rededicated myself to sharing this message with others as often as I can.I’m asking you to help me do that by telling everyone you know about this work and how they can learn more about it.  You will be offering others a very valuable way to heal and empower themselves.  And that’s what this work is all about.

My question to you is this:  What do you automatically do when life throws you a curve-ball?  Do you just go with it, or do you panic or begin to spin, like I did today?  I’m sure you answer depends on many things – and we all do both.  Perhaps the next time you find yourself off-balance and beginning to spin, you’ll think about using the Quantum Soul Clearing Process and remember you have tools quit spinning out of control and to be peaceful.

Connect with me on facebook by going to and “liking” the page.  Let me know how you handle the times that nothing seems to be going right.  I would really like to know what you do to help re-center yourself.

Creating Mastery In Your Life

Not long ago, a friend of mine and I were talking. I was saying how frustrated I was feeling, learning how to juggle all the pieces of my business and make it grow to where I wanted it. I was afraid I’d never be able to get to a point where I didn’t have to struggle to get my web-site where I wanted it, to create high-quality products and programs, and the steep learning curve of how to serve people while growing and expanding my business. She said something very profound that really resonated with me. I was saying how grateful I was and how many incredibly amazing people had come into my life and how well everything was going, but that day, I was feeling anything but grateful and joyous. In fact, I was just down-right cranky.

She said that in child development, when a child is ready to walk for the first time, there is a period just prior to that when the child is ornery and feeling very frustrated. It is because she is wanting to walk and knows that she can. She can see it, feel it and almost, but not quite do it. They will have temper tantrums and be in melt-down sometimes for days or weeks prior to actually taking that first step.

Then at the moment she actually lets go of the furniture and takes that first step and then the next, you can see in her eyes the wonder and awe in her achievement. Then she quickly sits down because the BIGNESS of what she’s done scares her a bit. There’s a contemplation time – and then she gets back up and walks some more.

At first she’s a bit shaky and falls often. But within a short period of time, she masters basic walking and then learns how to pick up the pace and run!

Perhaps you’ve been feeling the same way. You’ve been working at a goal for some time, and you feel SO CLOSE to your goal. Yet it seems like it’s just out of reach still and you’re doubting yourself and feeling out of sorts. It feels like craziness is all around you and nothing is going smoothly.

As adults, we do the same thing when we are coming up to a major achievement in our lives. When we feel turmoil, anger and frustration, we also create chaos and turbulence in our lives and we doubt we’ll ever make it. The sign posts are there, showing us we can do what our hearts most want to do. Often we get pulled off-course because of what we create, so we further doubt ourselves ever reaching the goals. Sometimes, depending on our conditioning, we even give up on our dreams and our goals because we don’t believe in ourselves.

However, perseverance and single-mindedness, even in the face of our self-doubt and craziness are what carry us through to our goals. Constancy and repetition eventually create skills and self confidence. And just like that child who takes its first steps, we break into a whole new world of potential and creation doing just what we love most.

I wanted to share this analogy to help you realize that you are on track and that you are nearing your goals and dreams. It certainly helped me see things in a different light. It allowed me to be patient with myself and let go of some of the fear and self-doubt with which I was flogging myself. Keep up your incredible work. You are almost there. You’re already holding onto the couch and using it to walk from one end to the other. Tomorrow you’ll let go and walk on your own steam. Perhaps you’ve reached the goal you’ve been working toward, but it’s not completely mastered and you feel shaky. Just keep going. Stay on task. You’re developing your own skill sets and perfecting them. You can do this! You just did! And once you’ve mastered that one thing you’ve been striving for, you’ll have created for yourself a shiny, new level of expertise – and then you’ll learn to run!

The Benefits of Spiritual Life Coaching

It’s now a full week into 2012.  Are you still on track with your goals and resolutions?  Are you still as excited about 2012 as you were two weeks ago?  Are you still going strong or are you feeling like you’re starting to slip back into old habits and patterns?  If so, you might want to consider Spiritual Life Coaching to get to the root of the beliefs and emotions that drive your behaviors.

Most people have great will power.  They start an exercise program with every intention to lose the 20 pounds they gained from the previous year.  They consciously drag themselves to the gym for days or weeks at a time, then small things start to interfere with their intention.  They have something at work or home that takes precedence, they have an appointment that can’t be re-scheduled  during the time allotted for exercising.  And soon, that gym membership is gathering dust!  Why is that?

I’ve been as guilty as the next person of this! The biggest issue is that our unconscious and subconscious beliefs are not in full alignment with our new intentions. Those new intentions are not yet habits supported by our beliefs.  And our subconscious beliefs are what drive our long-term behaviors.

One example I have is my intention to meditate every morning for at least 20 minutes.  I want to, I know it will bring me peace of mind.  I know it has incredible health benefits.  It will help me “re-set” so that I have the focus and energy to run my business more efficiently.  I love how I feel and how well my day goes when I do meditate!

Last year I had not been able to maintain a consistent meditation schedule. What I found while working with my Spiritual Life Coach was I have a belief that I have to constantly be producing, doing something of value, constantly having to be “on.”  That belief was in direct conflict with my desire to be peaceful and centered!  With that subconscious belief driving my behaviors, I was constantly sabotaging myself and my desire to deeply connect and align myself, my Highest Self and God.

Without the help of my Spiritual Life Coach helping me uncover my hidden beliefs, I would have continued to feel frustrated, angry with myself, and to feel like a failure.  Those negative feelings have affected my self-esteem for years!  It wasn’t that I didn’t have will power.  I have incredible will power!  I just didn’t have my conscious, sub-conscious and un-conscious mind all working together to support my goals!

What would you be able to achieve working with a Spiritual Life Coach this year?  What underlying beliefs and suppressed emotions are unconsciously sabotaging your life?  Isn’t it time you invested in yourself to create the life-style you truly want to live and finally achieve your goals and dreams?  Let’s discover what’s secretly been holding you back!

Call me at 801-829-1050 for a 20 minute free Spiritual Life Coaching consultation to discover how we can work together this year to achieve your goals and dreams!

Are You Unconsciously Harboring World Fears?

I got an email today from a friend that had a program that you could click on to tell you what world events were happening in the the year of your birth. It was absolutely fascinating! Reading it brought me to another level of self-awareness in my search for personal transformation.

It was definitely interesting to know that Ben Hur was the top movie of the year and who won the Nobel prizes. It was also interesting to know that was the year that Castro overthrew his government and set up a communist government in Cuba. There were facts and figures about the Cold War and our country’s response to it. There were tidbits of information about Africa, Singapore, Europe and our country’s continued rebuilding efforts in Japan. The top song was “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes” by the Platters (Interestingly, I can sing all the lyrics to that song!) And on television, “Bonanza” was a big hit!

There were two fascinating things that happened for me while reading this information. First, in my mind’s eye I was over-laying this information with scenes of my childhood. They were bright and vivid and full of movement. My grandparents were still alive and I could see the child who I was interacting with them in the garden, and in their house. I could see myself playing outside, riding a tricycle and exploring the wonders of nature. I could see myself as this kid who was carefree and learning about the world.

But secondly, and probably the most impactful thing that occurred was the feelings of fear and anxiety that kept building and building inside of me the more I read and watched. What I hadn’t realized fully until now was how much those world events had impacted me personally! Just by being alive at the time. Reading about the Cold War and Castro and other significant events brought up profoundly strong negative emotions!

I know that I was just a baby in 1959, but I had the epiphany that I was absorbing the energy and emotions of those events unconsciously and that they were still there just waiting to be re-activated. Perhaps I was picking up those emotions from my parents or from others around me. But the fact that just reading about the past triggered such strong emotions was quite an awareness! And that made me wonder how many of us are harboring global fear and anxiety in our bodies and wonder why we feel anxious and fearful?

I started to get up from the computer, because I was so uncomfortable, and then I stopped and realized that if I didn’t sit back down right then and there and clear out the feelings that had been triggered, I’d be in a terrible place the rest of the day!

So I sat down and ran through the Quantum Soul Clearing Process and in about five minutes the feelings of fear and anxiety had been removed and replaced with Joy, Compassion, Love, Self-Love, Nurturing, Kindness, Laughter, Life, Peace, Calm, Patience, It’s All Going to Be All Right., and many other positive messages. When I cleared these two emotions, it was like some unpleasant background “music” had finally been shut off! The relief was immense. And as I cleared, the sun began peeking through the storm clouds that have been dumping snow as if to tell me, “WOW! Great job, Michelle!”

My challenge for you is this: See if you can identify any fears that you might be holding that aren’t really YOURS. Let me know how I can support you in gaining clarity and freedom from negativity.

Remember, when you feel any emotional discomfort, stop, drop and clear!! There is no reason to have to live in any negative emotional state when there is a spiritual technology to help you live in a more positive, happy state. Take control of your life. Love and nurture yourself, because you are worth it!