What to Do If You Don’t Feel Thankful

Here in the US we will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week.  It’s an opportunity to count your blessings and give thanks for all the bounty you have received throughout the year.

But what if you don’t really feel thankful?  What if life has thrown a curve ball your way and knocked you off center? Or what if you don’t have family or close friends nearby to spend holiday with?  Then what?

In many spiritual communities, we’ve been taught to never acknowledge anything negative.  “Just think of the next highest thought.”  “Change your thoughts and create something different.” “Never dwell on the negative.”

Much easier said than done!  Especially when you’re smack dab in the middle of feeling awful!

So what do you do when you don’t feel happy, thankful, or peaceful inside?  What do you do when your current life experience is sucking your peace of mind away faster than you can rebuild it?

I found myself in just this circumstance last week.  Nothing was really WRONG, but it wasn’t RIGHT, either!  I was feeling an odd lassitude that was definitely draining my energy and blocking any feelings of happiness, thankfulness or peace of mind!  I felt like I was spinning into a black hole of unhappiness and depression.

I have personally found that trying to just ignore the feeling or the problem just doesn’t work!  I want the issue resolved NOW, and my mind just will NOT let the problem go!

autumn_daySo here’s what I found works best for me – and it’s working for my private clients, too: Allow yourself to feel ALL the feelings! Without judgment and without limiting them.

That’s right!  Just allow yourself to feel the fear, the pain, the resentment, whatever it is!  It’s there to be acknowledged, and to tell you something!

That unpleasant feeling is letting you know that something is out of balance.  That something isn’t right for you

Your boundaries may be being violated.  Your soul is letting you know that the circumstances are not completely in alignment with who you really are!  Or old programming might be coming up to be healed.

What I wasn’t initially very thankful for – the feelings of frustration and irritation, that my needs were not being met – was an incredible opportunity for some powerful, deep inner work to heal and clear some very old, nasty programming from my childhood!

It took some time, but what I realized is that I had a deeply set pattern of trying to fix things for everyone, except myself – and then feeling resentful and angry that no one was there for me! 

On top of that program was feeling and being disempowered to help myself – having to ask permission and never receiving it!  And underneath that was not being my own authority, always having to look to someone else for my validation and well-being! 

Pretty nasty energy!  But by allowing myself to simply follow the feeling trail, and write down all the stuff that kept coming up, I was able to use the Quantum Soul Clearing Process to eliminate the old program and resolve those negative feelings.

Today I woke up feeling lighter, more centered; much more excited about life.  I have an opportunity to help others feel the same way through the work that I do.  I am so thankful and optimistic about that!

As I look at what is happening in the world – all the terrorist attacks, the chaos and craziness that are seemingly everywhere – I realize more than ever, this work is so desperately needed! 

What if we could get this powerful process to those who feel like the only option is violence?  What if they could experience the peace of mind and empowerment that comes from healing and transforming that inner pain that believes the only way to be heard and acknowledged is through creating pain and suffering for others?  Just imagine the difference that could make! 

But more than anything else, what I wish for you during the upcoming holiday season, is peace.  Peace of mind.  The space to follow the bread-crumb trail of your feelings so you, too, can get to the core of whatever energy is draining your peace of mind, creativity, self-love and joy.

Take some time to reflect on what you’re thankful for this season.  If you find you’re having trouble feeling thankful, know that you’re not alone, and you’re not wrong. 

autumn_journalCarve out some time to journal your honest feelings and do some clearing work if needed!  I promise you it is worth it, even it is painful.  But wouldn’t you rather address the cause and the core now, than continue to live with that unrelenting unhappiness?  I know I would!

If you need help getting to the core of the feelings, please reach out.  Don’t stay stuck one more minute than needed! I’m here to help in any way I can.  I’d love to support you!  Let’s set up an appointment to play and work.

I want to express my thankfulness for you, my friend.  I am thankful for your desire to be all that you are designed by Source to BE!  I’m thankful we are connected and have the opportunity to make this world a much better place.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, and the launch of the season of Light!

Are Your Resisting Change? I Have Too.

What a miraculous time we live in.  Every day there are new inventions, new ways of thinking, new things to learn.  Everything is changing!

Sometimes that change can feel a little overwhelming, though.  Even if it’s good.

I have a confession to make:  I haven’t always done change very well.  I often go kicking and screaming (sometimes literally!), and with a great deal of resistance.

Of course, that resistance only causes greater pain and frustration, but hey,
old habits die hard.  Right?  But do they really have to?

I have experienced profound changes in the last few weeks.  It’s like the Universe has given me the opportunity to purge all kinds of old programming and fear that I wasn’t even consciously aware of that was living inside of me.

It’s been a roller-coaster ride that I wasn’t sure I would survive without going completely insane.

It’s one of the reasons I haven’t put out a newsletter for that last two months, because I wasn’t sure I really had anything valuable to share with you!  That might have been my shadow, but it felt hypocritical trying to spout something positive when I was feeling anything but!

What I have learned in the last few weeks is how to let go. Of everything.  Of my need to control situations.  The need to control the outcome of my business, my life, my health, my family… of everything!

I’ll admit, Divine surrender hasn’t come easily.  I’ve resisted letting go. And I have another confession to make:  I’m a newly recovering control freak.

It’s tough to own up to something like that.  It doesn’t sound pretty or nice.  And it really isn’t.  I used the excuse for control that the buck stopped here with me. And it did.

But always being in control is exhausting.  And painful.  And lonely.  It strains relationships.  It stresses our health.  It damages our self-worth and self-esteem, because, let’s face it, if you aren’t always in control, there’s really something wrong with you.  At least that was my underlying core belief.

OK I can only speak for myself, but that’s what my inner committee kept telling me.  It’s really a recipe for madness, illness and unhappiness.

So here’s some of the life-lessons I have learned as a recovering control freak, as I have learned to just let go of control:

What I’ve found in letting go, is inner peace.  I realized that I’m no longer responsible for healing and saving the world.  (Yeah, that was really never my real job, but, hey!  I tried!)

Inner peace is exquisite!  I never knew just how valuable it really is!  Or just how good it feels.  For a control junky, it’s a new and powerful feeling and experience that I wish everyone could experience – but it’s truly an inside job.

Teaching is one of my major life paths.  It brings me immense joy to show and teach others what I’ve learned.  I love it when I can share my life lessons and the wisdom I’ve learned from my struggles, to help others and provide a short cut to their own growth and personal happiness.

I’ve learned that it’s not my responsibility. If what I’m teaching or sharing it doesn’t resonate with someone, or if they don’t implement it for themselves, it’s not my responsibility.  It’s theirs.  I don’t have to try to control or be responsible for their outcome.  They get to choose for themselves.  Wow!  What a relief that insight was!  lol

I’ve found a new, deeper connection within myself to the Divine.  That deep connection makes me happy and I feel content with myself and my life purpose.

I’ve learned how to simply let my fears wash through me, uncontrolled, terrifying and unbounded, while tears roll down my face and my sobs of terror echo around me.  It feels liberating to know that I didn’t dissolve into nothingness, or madness – or even die, like that inner committee suggested would happen.

In fact, allowing the fear to completely swamp me, gave me a new perspective on my life.  It allowed me to understand just how strong and resilient I truly am.  It gave me something I’ve never fully experienced before.

I’m not completely sure what it is called, other than Pure Presence.  Or possibly Alignment.  But it is exquisite.

Was the experience of being bombarded by my fears scary and overwhelming?  Yes.  For a few minutes.  And when it finally washed through me, it left me feeling peaceful and whole.  I wish I’d done that process years ago!  I could have saved myself untold hours of anguish and pain.

I’m quite sure I will experience fear again – possibly even terror.  It’s part of life.  Like joy, and excitement.  Like love and pain.  But this time, I welcome it.  Because it’s trying to tell me something about myself.

As we allow ALL of our feelings to fully manifest, they no longer have the power to control us.

By allowing ourselves to feel the guilt until it loses its vicious grip on our minds and bodies, we emerge into self-love and self-acceptance.

By allowing ourselves to fully feel our fears and vulnerabilities until they finally let go of us, we free ourselves to experience inner peace and contentment.

When we allow ourselves to feel and experience the full range of human emotion – without judgment! – we give ourselves permission to fully live, expand, evolve and grow.

I’m positive there’s so much more to learn about letting go and creating healthy boundaries.  But what an adventure!  What an opportunity for real growth and transformation!

As a recovering control addict, I am sure I’ll have my relapses.  And when I do, I will forgive myself, ask for forgiveness of others and love myself into greater awareness, peacefulness and joy.

After all, isn’t that what we’re all really looking for?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject! Feel free to email me at Michelle@QuantumSoulClearing.com.


Freedom. What does that mean to you?

Freedom. What does that mean to you?us_heart

Freedom of speech?

Freedom from tyranny?

Freedom to worship as you wish?

Freedom to love and marry the person of your dreams?

Is it financial freedom?

Freedom from addiction?

Personal liberty?

Something else?

My personal definition of freedom is the freedom to be, do and have what I want, when I want it, and with whom I want it at the time I want it.

Sometimes my experience of life falls a little short of that! <Laughing at myself!> But that is my goal.

For me, though, freedom is not just a definition. It is a feeling. An experience. A frequency. When I think about the energy of freedom I have a feeling of being unfettered in my soul. Of boundless joy and happiness. It’s loving the work that I am designed to do in the world. And it’s having the time and opportunity to spend quality time with my family, friends and those who are important to me. It’s a feeling of expansiveness.

It’s the ability to move my body without pain or restriction – which, honestly, is still a work in progress! But much better than it was 6 months ago – or even 10 years ago.

It’s having a mind that is open to new ideas, and ways of thinking. It’s being able to express my thoughts, feelings and experiences as thoroughly as the English language will allow me.

It’s having the technology and ability to connect with you and thousands of others all over the world and express myself. To share healing, transformation processes, and love in ways that were unimaginable to me 20 or even 10 years ago!

Freedom feels expansive and inclusive of others. It’s knowing that I am strong enough in my personal beliefs and values to allow and respect others people’s core values – without having to challenge them or feeling like I need to change them.

Real freedom is being able to explore painful memories and experiences with compassion and understanding so that those parts of myself can lovingly be integrated and accepted along with the good. In doing so, my life experience is deepened. I can learn and grow from the past, while leaving the patterns of self-negation or judgement that limited my personal freedom, in the past where they belong.

4th_of_julyIn the United States we celebrate our national freedom on July 4th. We celebrate our national pride and freedom that was, historically, won through conflict and sacrifice.

But we know that there are really no winners when it comes to war. Whether that war is between nations, or within ourselves. There is a very high cost, with massive collateral damage.

There is much to be proud of in this country – and there is so much room for improvement. My intention, though, is not necessarily to make a political statement.

It is to bring attention to the energy of freedom. It’s about taking personal action and responsibility to create an inner environment of personal freedom so that your inner and outer expression and interactions are aligned with peace and ultimate freedom of body, mind, and soul.

When we take responsibility and action for healing or transforming our core wounds that have created virtual prisons for ourselves, we become the masters of our lives. As we create freedom within for ourselves, we become more peaceful, loving and tolerant in every area of our lives.

I believe that the true path to personal and global freedom begins within each and every one of us. Until we can free our own hearts, minds and bodies from the limiting beliefs, habits and patterns within us, we will never be truly free. We will always be at the mercy of special interests with agendas that sway public thinking and carve out public policy, as well as to our own habits and addictions.

Until we can stand in clarity and personal awareness of what is optimally highest and best for ourselves, we are unable to come together collectively and stand as one in real truth and freedom for our personal and collective rights.

Everyone on this planet deserves to have clean water, clean air, healthy, organic food, safe shelter, the ability to financially support ourselves and our families, free from war, persecution, and oppression.

I know, some will say that is an unrealistic, naïve, utopian idea. But it is what I believe.

All humans desire something more. We desire unconditional love. We yearn to be seen for who we truly are – and fireworks_smfundamentally acknowledged and understood as individuals. We all have a need and drive to be creative and follow our soul’s calling that is unique to each of us.

Once we strip away the limitations and uncover the core of who we really are, freedom of body, mind and soul is a natural occurrence. It’s our birthright! It’s how we are designed!

This month, as we are inspired by the energies and frequencies of freedom and liberty, I urge you to contemplate what freedom means for you.

Then write down and commit to yourself what you are willing to do (or not do) in order to allow yourself to be ultimately free!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject! Feel free to email me at Michelle@QuantumSoulClearing.com.

Staying Centered During Deeply Troubling Times

I picked up an early morning call from my brother in law on May 1st, asking what the latest news was on Darin. My sleepy brain registered the fact that something wasn’t quite right, but I really had NO idea why he was asking about my step-son.

In response to my questioning, he said, “Apparently, you haven’t heard. Darin was in a terrible motorcycle accident last night and is in ICU.” And with those words, I was wide awake!

I immediately went to find my husband and together we made the call to my daughter-in-law, Jessica, to find out what was happening.

That was when we learned that he was in such critical condition, that doctors didn’t expect him to survive. Needless to say, Jessica was almost hysterical and terrified that she was going to lose her husband.

I found myself automatically checking in with him intuitively, and was told he would be just fine. I worked with Jessica for a little bit to get her calmed down, then went to work on Darin remotely, myself.

Over and over again, I was told by my non-physical teams, “He will be just fine. Do not panic. Do not worry. Hold only positive thoughts for him.”

Somehow I found myself in pure peacefulness, despite the news and despite everything we were being told. At first, I kept checking in with myself to make sure I wasn’t just numbing out and detaching from it all.

I’m usually the one who quickly attaches and gets swept away by all the drama! But this time, it was my job to hold space for all the healing opportunities for him, as well as for the entire family. And that’s just what I did.

I reached out to my friends and community asked for prayers for his healing. I was absolutely blown away by the outpouring I received. Darius Barazandeh, Eram Saeed, and Shefali Burns, some of my telesummit hosts, all added Darin to their community’s prayer circles, effectively connecting with hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Love and healing offerings began pouring in. Kimberly McGeorge sent a healing audio; hundreds of people in my community sent reiki and other types of remote healing modalities. The responses by people I knew and others who were “strangers” was deeply moving and almost overwhelming.

As the days went by, and there was no real change in his condition. I began to doubt myself, and to question the validity of the information I had received. I tend to be a bit impatient! And I wanted him awake and on the mend immediately!

However, I continued to do my healing work on him remotely, holding space for his ultimate outcome and also holding space for my husband and family to grieve and work through their own feelings.

About a week into his ICU stay, Darin suffered another setback. He started spiking a fever of about 103°F. More tests were run and we found that he had developed pneumonia! Apparently when he had his accident, he aspirated dirt from the road, as well as food and stomach acid from his own body. The result was a raging infection that required specialized IV antibiotics, suctioning his lungs and constant monitoring.

Things looked pretty dark – and still I was told, “He will be OK. Remain calm and continue holding space, and continue sending healing energies.”

Despite the drama paying itself out, I managed to remain centered and calm. I am not sure how I was able to do it. But I had a very clear knowing that he would come out of it.

Then, about two weeks after the accident, Darin started showing signs of waking up. We were cautiously elated, because we weren’t sure just how much damage his brain and body had suffered and what those effects would be.

At first, he was quite disoriented. He couldn’t talk because of the trachea tube they’d inserted to help with the pneumonia. He seemed to recognize Jessica, his wife, but was so exhausted he was only awake for moments at a time.

However, each day, those waking moments lengthened. Within a few days, the doctors did more tests and learned that he was strong enough to have the trachea tube removed, which allowed him to speak.

Throughout this time, I knew that my role was to stay as centered and peaceful as possible, while sending healing energy through me to him. Secondarily, my job was to hold the space for my family members, and help them work through their grief, fears and uncertainties.

The challenge for me as an empath is not getting caught up in the emotions of those around me. And this event was a true test of that!

What I was told by my non-physical teams was that staying out of the drama and holding the vision and space for Darin’s recovery was of paramount importance.

I accomplished this by meditation, daily prayer, and consciously checking in with myself throughout each day to monitor what my thoughts and feelings were.

It was fascinating to me to realize just how much of my husband’s and daughter-in-law’s fears and energies I was absorbing! I had to stop often and clear that fear for us all and purposely send it into the Light for transformation.

If I had allowed that energy to infect me, I could not and would not be able to continue to send healing energy and help Darin to the best of my abilities.

unnamed (2)How many times have you experienced something very challenging in your life? And how many times have your gotten sucked into the energy of the circumstance, only to find yourself spinning and feeling helpless to do anything?

I can honestly say that that used to be my life. I would easily get caught up in the drama of the situation and then I would be unable to be as effective as I could have been.

Going through this experience has taught me a powerful lesson in allowing, not judging, and staying connected and centered. Was it easy? NO!

Was the outcome optimal? YES!

I also learned through this that when you are centered and grounded, Spirit can speak to you very clearly! I VERY CLEARLY was told he would be alright. For the first two weeks, I had remind myself that what appeared to be catastrophic was only temporary. And it was!

At the end of May, Darin was moved to a care facility where they coordinated his rehabilitation and managed his daily care needs until he was strong enough to do so himself.

Then about a week ago, he was released to go home! Talk about a miracle! The doctors didn’t hold out much hope in the beginning.

Darin still has quite a ways to go until he’s back to his original strength, but we are absolutely delighted with the progress that has been made so far. He’s already talking about getting back to work, and we have to remind him that this is his time to heal.

I admire his desire to be productive. And I also know from personal experience that it is imperative to allow yourself the time to heal, body, mind and soul from traumatic experiences.

If you are facing any kind of challenging experience, hopefully you can draw on my experience here.

Drop into your belly area, refuse to get drawn into the chaos and confusion of the moment, and start aligning with your SELF and with Source, so that you can receive clear guidance and direction.

That alignment will help you create miracles of all kinds in your life and the lives of your loved ones!

I picked up an early morning call from my brother in law on May 1st, asking what the latest news was on Darin. My sleepy brain registered the fact that something wasn’t quite right, but I really had NO idea why he was asking about my step-son.

In response to my questioning, he said, “Apparently, you haven’t heard. Darin was in a terrible motorcycle accident last night and is in ICU.” And with those words, I was wide awake!

I immediately went to find my husband and together we made the call to my daughter-in-law, Jessica, to find out what was happening.

That was when we learned that he was in such critical condition, that doctors didn’t expect him to survive. Needless to say, Jessica was almost hysterical and terrified that she was going to lose her husband.

I found myself automatically checking in with him intuitively, and was told he would be just fine. I worked with Jessica for a little bit to get her calmed down, then went to work on Darin remotely, myself.

Over and over again, I was told by my non-physical teams, “He will be just fine. Do not panic. Do not worry. Hold only positive thoughts for him.”

Somehow I found myself in pure peacefulness, despite the news and despite everything we were being told. At first, I kept checking in with myself to make sure I wasn’t just numbing out and detaching from it all.

I’m usually the one who quickly attaches and gets swept away by all the drama! But this time, it was my job to hold space for all the healing opportunities for him, as well as for the entire family. And that’s just what I did.

I reached out to my friends and community asked for prayers for his healing. I was absolutely blown away by the outpouring I received. Darius Barazandeh, Eram Saeed, and Shefali Burns, some of my telesummit hosts, all added Darin to their community’s prayer circles, effectively connecting with hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Love and healing offerings began pouring in. Kimberly McGeorge sent a healing audio; hundreds of people in my community sent reiki and other types of remote healing modalities. The responses by people I knew and others who were “strangers” was deeply moving and almost overwhelming.

As the days went by, and there was no real change in his condition. I began to doubt myself, and to question the validity of the information I had received. I tend to be a bit impatient! And I wanted him awake and on the mend immediately!

However, I continued to do my healing work on him remotely, holding space for his ultimate outcome and also holding space for my husband and family to grieve and work through their own feelings.

About a week into his ICU stay, Darin suffered another setback. He started spiking a fever of about 103°F. More tests were run and we found that he had developed pneumonia! Apparently when he had his accident, he aspirated dirt from the road, as well as food and stomach acid from his own body. The result was a raging infection that required specialized IV antibiotics, suctioning his lungs and constant monitoring.

Things looked pretty dark – and still I was told, “He will be OK. Remain calm and continue holding space, and continue sending healing energies.”

Despite the drama paying itself out, I managed to remain centered and calm. I am not sure how I was able to do it. But I had a very clear knowing that he would come out of it.

Then, about two weeks after the accident, Darin started showing signs of waking up. We were cautiously elated, because we weren’t sure just how much damage his brain and body had suffered and what those effects would be.

At first, he was quite disoriented. He couldn’t talk because of the trachea tube they’d inserted to help with the pneumonia. He seemed to recognize Jessica, his wife, but was so exhausted he was only awake for moments at a time.

However, each day, those waking moments lengthened. Within a few days, the doctors did more tests and learned that he was strong enough to have the trachea tube removed, which allowed him to speak.

Throughout this time, I knew that my role was to stay as centered and peaceful as possible, while sending healing energy through me to him. Secondarily, my job was to hold the space for my family members, and help them work through their grief, fears and uncertainties.

The challenge for me as an empath is not getting caught up in the emotions of those around me. And this event was a true test of that!

What I was told by my non-physical teams was that staying out of the drama and holding the vision and space for Darin’s recovery was of paramount importance.

I accomplished this by meditation, daily prayer, and consciously checking in with myself throughout each day to monitor what my thoughts and feelings were.

It was fascinating to me to realize just how much of my husband’s and daughter-in-law’s fears and energies I was absorbing! I had to stop often and clear that fear for us all and purposely send it into the Light for transformation.

If I had allowed that energy to infect me, I could not and would not be able to continue to send healing energy and help Darin to the best of my abilities.

How many times have you experienced something very challenging in your life? And how many times have your gotten sucked into the energy of the circumstance, only to find yourself spinning and feeling helpless to do anything?

I can honestly say that that used to be my life. I would easily get caught up in the drama of the situation and then I would be unable to be as effective as I could have been.

Going through this experience has taught me a powerful lesson in allowing, not judging, and staying connected and centered. Was it easy? NO!

Was the outcome optimal? YES!

I also learned through this that when you are centered and grounded, Spirit can speak to you very clearly! I VERY CLEARLY was told he would be alright. For the first two weeks, I had remind myself that what appeared to be catastrophic was only temporary. And it was!

At the end of May, Darin was moved to a care facility where they coordinated his rehabilitation and managed his daily care needs until he was strong enough to do so himself.

Then about a week ago, he was released to go home! Talk about a miracle! The doctors didn’t hold out much hope in the beginning.

Darin still has quite a ways to go until he’s back to his original strength, but we are absolutely delighted with the progress that has been made so far. He’s already talking about getting back to work, and we have to remind him that this is his time to heal.

I admire his desire to be productive. And I also know from personal experience that it is imperative to allow yourself the time to heal, body, mind and soul from traumatic experiences.

If you are facing any kind of challenging experience, hopefully you can draw on my experience here.

Drop into your belly area, refuse to get drawn into the chaos and confusion of the moment, and start aligning with your SELF and with Source, so that you can receive clear guidance and direction.

That alignment will help you create miracles of all kinds in your life and the lives of your loved ones!



Transforming Ordinary to Extraordinary

By Michelle Manning-Kogler

As I was looking through some old files, I found this article that was originally published in Tribal Woman Magazine.  I thought, “Who wrote this?”  And was quite surprised that is was ME!  lol  I thought I’d recycle it and share it with you, because it is so relevant today.

[The] “Extraordinary Men” edition of Tribal Woman Magazine really got me thinking about what makes a person – men or women – “extraordinary.”

The dictionary defines extraordinary as:   exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable: extraordinary speed; an extraordinary man.

My thesaurus also says extraordinary means: strange and wonderful, amazing, fantastic, incredible, marvelous, rare, special, or unique.


But what is the essence of being extraordinary?  And why would anyone want to become that?  Is it something that we are born with, that we strive to achieve, or that we accidentally stumble upon?  Is it something that we innately yearn to be?  Is it something we learn, or simply are?  Can you be extraordinary in one area of your life and not in others?

In my family, striving for perfection or excellence was a prized commodity.  We were highly praised for good grades, or great performances.  When we spoke or sang on stage we practiced until it was “perfect.”  That kind of positive expectation and feedback helped nurture the desire I believe I innately had for creating something of great value. It gave me a sense of value and was a yardstick for measuring success.

In contemplating what it takes to create an extraordinary life, I wondered what internal or external characteristics were required in make that type of transformation.  What makes a person the very best in their careers, in their communities, in their personal lives, in the world?

Many of the people featured in this edition [of Tribal Woman Magazine] and in other editions have become exceptional or extraordinary in some specific way.

They have risen to the top because of their unfailing service to others.  Some have become leaders in business and industry.  Some have had great determination to break through personal difficulties to create healthy, whole lives and show others how to they can achieve success, too.

Others, because of their forward thinking and innovation, make the world a better place for others.  And still others are exceptional because they know how to deeply and unconditionally love.

So is there a specific set of criteria in order to become an extraordinary person?

I believe that everyone has an innate ability to become extraordinary through their full alignment with their unique gifts and talents.  It doesn’t really matter what you do for a living.  You may be a small farmer, a musician, health care worker, a veterinarian, a housekeeper, a bus driver, the president of a multi-national corporation, a famous speaker or or singer, a best-selling author or an live a quiet life of spiritual service to others.  It doesn’t matter so much what you do, but how you do it.

Here are a list of traits that I have found exceptional people have in common:

  1. They take personal responsibility for everything in their lives. They don’t blame others for their perceived failures or allow anything to stop them from realizing their dreams and desires.
  2. They are determined to succeed and be the very best they can be. They have a great passion for what they do and want to share it with the world.
  3. They are life-long learners. They know that learning keeps their passion alive and their brains sharp and strong. New and innovative ideas spring from learning new things. Extraordinary people thrive on education.
  4. They are competent and dependable. They show up when others give up. They are willing to go that extra mile to provide outstanding service, and always get the job in and under budget whenever possible.
  5. They have great personal and professional integrity. They always tell the truth, they are honest and impeccable in their behavior with everyone.
  6. They are willing to admit their mistakes or failures and make things right. They don’t expect others to pick up or cover up for them.
  7. They are open and willing to be vulnerable. When someone is open and willing to be vulnerable, you are allowed to see the real person inside, which creates a strong bond of trust.
  8. They are trustworthy with time, money, other people’s feelings and belongs.
  9. They have a warmth and focus when connecting with people that makes others feel special and secure.
  10. They are generous with their time, abilities, and wealth, expecting nothing in return. Exceptional people know that the more they give, the more they receive.
  11. They are dedicated to something greater than themselves. They are committed to contributing to the world and leaving it a better place.
  12. They have a belief in themselves and in a Higher Being/God/Higher Power/ Source. It doesn’t matter what name you choose, it is a belief in and alignment with Something Greater than ourselves.
  13. They are willing to explore their deepest pain and fears in order to heal their lives and become whole, healthy, and extraordinary.
  14. They enjoy a challenge. Finding a solution is stimulating and an opportunity for innovation.
  15. They communicate well. They clearly disseminate information and are able to break down complex subjects into easily understood concept. They are concise in their speech and writing.
  16. They listen well. They hear not only what is being said, but what is not being said. They intuit the deeper meaning of what they are being told and ask clear, concise questions to come to a full understanding of what is being communicated.
  17. They love deeply and unconditionally. They are willing to say I’m sorry to their loved ones as well as to acquaintances, and admit when they’ve made mistakes.
  18. They respect other people’s time, space and belongings. They respect others for their innate humanity and value them for their individuality.
  19. They respect and honor nature and the earth. They are dedicated to preserving our natural resources and cleaning up the environment whenever they can.
  20. They honor and respect the beliefs and traditions of others, and are dedicated to peaceful co-existence in the world. They have open minds, hearts and souls and are willing to see others viewpoints. They are not threatened by others beliefs, as there is always room for deeper understanding and cooperation.

So I ask you:

  • What can you do to break through the glass ceiling of ordinary into extraordinary?
  • How can you challenge yourself to become exceptional at what you do – I mean even more exceptional than you really are?
  • How can you provide outstanding customer service, create outstanding leadership, or greater love for yourself and others?
  • In what ways can you inspire others to become extraordinary at what they do?
  • Can you allow yourself to feel vulnerable and find the inner determination put yourself out there so that you can shine your unique gifts and talents to positive impact the world?
  • Are you willing to align with your powerful Self, and with your Higher Power to infuse your success with love, integrity, passion, and respect for all in order to fully succeed – both in business and life?

unnamed (1)I challenge you this month to take some time to gently and thoroughly look at your personal and professional life. Honestly assess your strengths, your gifts and talents, as well as your weaknesses. No judgment! Just take stock and determine one area of your life or business that you can work on to make it outstanding.

Whatever you are called to do, determine that you will find ways to do it exceptionally.

Never give up on your dreams. Take time to love yourself and those around you as you build your business or career, and care for your family. Take care to nurture and expand your gifts and talents. You brought them with you into this life for a reason. Aligning fully with what you love to do uplifts the whole world and gives permission for others to do the same.

As you take on your exceptional life, you inspire others and give them permission to be exceptional too. By being exceptional you help make this world an even better place to be.

Countless Blessings,


You can get a copy of Michelle’s Connecting With Divine Core Center Meditation and free chapter of her best-selling book, Quantum Soul Clearing – Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul. Go to www.quantumsoulclearing.com/free-gift



How to Survive Your Dark Night of the Soul

By Michelle Manning-Kogler

Evening meditation

Have you ever had one of those pivotal moments where your life changes in the blink of an eye?  I think most of us have had at least one.  I know I have had several.

For me, one of the big ones was the day my doctor told me that I had rheumatoid arthritis.  I even felt the reverberation in the air when he made the proclamation! And I remember getting chills all over my body.

What I didn’t know is that that pronouncement was the gift that just kept on giving.  It was the beginning of years
of pain and suffering that, for most people, is unimaginable.

What I didn’t know at the time was that it was also going to be my biggest gift – but we’ll get to that in a few minutes.

Within a few years after that diagnosis, I found myself in such a state of disability that I was basically bed ridden.
I was in my early 30’s and my children were still quite young.  At the time I weighed about 100 pounds dripping
wet (I am 5’ 9” tall), and looked like a holocaust survivor.

Friends would lower their voices and ask me in whispers if I had cancer or AIDS.  I had neither.  I was in such excruciating pain that it was taking every calorie I consumed just to deal with it.  And the disease process was eating away at every joint and connective tissue in my body.

It was during this dark night of the soul time that I would lie in bed every morning as my daughters came in to tell me goodbye before going to school.  My youngest would always look me in the eye and ask, “Mom will you be here when I get back home?”

I knew she wasn’t asking if I had plans for the day.  She was asking.

But the second that door closed, I would turn into my pillow and start to sob with grief.  I believed that I had no control over what I was experiencing.  I was terrified that I wasn’t going to see my daughters grow up.  I was in so much pain that I could barely pull the covers up over myself, and cried because I felt sorry for myself and didn’t know how to change anything.

I cried because I hadn’t achieved any of the goals and dreams that I had had growing up.  I cried because I hadn’t visited the places I’d dreamed of visiting.  I was in anguish because I felt I hadn’t contributed anything to the world, and was unsure that I ever would.

I think that was the darkest time of my life.

And then a miracle occurred.  My little nephew, Daniel, was born.  But he was born with a heart that hadn’t fully developed.  The doctors called it hypo-plastic left heart syndrome.

My sister was absolutely devastated.  I just knew I had to be there for her, no matter what, so I dragged myself out of bed and flew to Las Vegas to be with her, never dreaming what was to come.

The entire story of that miraculous event is content for a whole book, but the shortest possible version was that with sheer determination, refusing to give up, and calling on God for a miracle, a way was shown to get little Daniel the life-saving surgery he needed to survive.  And I was so blessed to be a part of that process.

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On that miraculous day, state, local and federal agencies, along with two hospitals and a private air ambulance company, came together to get Daniel from Las Vegas, Nevada to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (about 2500 miles!).  And it happened in less than five hours!

It was as if normal time stopped, and we stepped into an alternate reality slipstream where time and everything in it was different.  To this day, I can still feel that energy when I think about how the events of that day unfolded. It still gives me chills!

But the bigger message from that extraordinary, miraculous event was for me:  I was not helpless.

I realized that if I had the ability to help change the course of someone’s life and literally make a difference as to whether they lived or died, I could do the same for myself.  I didn’t have to be a victim any longer.

I came back home and started searching for my own answers in an even bigger way than I had previously.  I got into counseling to help me with the extreme depression I was experiencing.  I found a surgeon that was so genuine and caring about me personally, and treated me with grace and respect.  He performed a life-saving operation that gave me my life back.

As my body began to recover, I realized that some western medicine intervention was beneficial, and had my knees scoped so that I could walk again without excruciating pain.

I went back to school.  Got retrained.  Built up some self-confidence that I could actually hold a job and make enough to support myself and my children.  And I learned to love myself and trust myself and my own intuition to do the right things for me.

It didn’t happen overnight and it certainly wasn’t easy!  But it has been worth it.

What If I’m Not Really Broken?

ertI had a profound epiphany this month: I’ve had an unconscious, underlying belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with me and that I was broken.

My second epiphany was that the truth is just the opposite. I’m not broken! In fact, no one is broken – EVEN IF IT FEELS LIKE IT! There’s nothing that needs to be fixed, healed or saved.

What I realized is that there is only energy. If something feels uncomfortable, it is asking to be acknowledged. That discomfort is a sign that the energy or feeling it is out of alignment with our ultimate desired outcome!

Now, if you are like me and have been dealing with a chronic physical challenge for years, you might start to argue for your belief system, like I was. There was a problem that needed a solution. It had to be fixed – and NOW!

But let me share with you a different perspective that I am adopting, because it is changing how I feel and how quickly my body is changing because of it.

Our physical bodies are much more energetically dense than our thoughts and our spirit bodies. They are slower to respond because of this density. But they are responding with every breath and thought that we have!

Sometimes, if we are dealing with big health conditions, big financial circumstances, big relationship challenges, or other big life circumstances, we cannot see the small changes that are taking place. Then we begin to doubt ourselves, our journey, our efficacy. We get discouraged and depressed and that also impacts how our bodies react.

But most of all, I am finding that the discouragement my clients are experiencing is triggering a belief that everything they have done to change is a failure and a fraud. So they become disillusioned and believe that this path of spiritual awakening we are on is false! All because change isn’t happening fast enough according to an underlying belief system!

This is where it is critical to take a step back (or even two, if you need to!), so that we can get a different perspective. Sometimes, we need to get outside help in order to obtain that perspective, whether it is with a trusted friend, family member, or professional.

The truth is, we are making progress toward our desired outcomes every minute of every day. Being mindful of that progress – and patient with anything that appears to be a setback – will move us toward our desired outcomes much more efficiently and happily.

So how do you deal with an apparent setback?
In my case, my physical therapist and I had tried to move too quickly and aggressively during rehab, and the result was excruciating pain, excessive inflammation and having to stop therapy altogether for about a month, in order for the body to rest, heal and ready itself for physical therapy.
Here are some things to assess when you might be experiencing a setback:


What is my underlying belief system or expectation – and is it realistic?

I believe this is one of the most important questions to examine, when it comes to transformation or a healing process. Do you believe that you should (notice the emphasis on that word) be able to heal something yourself and in a short time frame? This is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to allowing the process of healing, because we will constantly self-sabotage or push too hard, if we believe that things should be a certain way, and they are not.

Not everyone responds to therapy or a healing modality in the same way as any other person on the planet. Our healing processes are unique to us. In fact, they are as unique as our finger prints. What works for one person may not work for another, or as quickly.


Why do you believe that particular belief?


Where did you pick up that belief that you should be experiencing things in a particular way?
Why do you believe that if you’ve had surgery your body should be completely healed in a matter of days of weeks?
Who says that you should just get over the grief of a loved one dying or leaving?
Who says that just because you’re experiencing a job loss or big loss that you can’t or won’t find an even better job where you will make more money and be happier than before?
What standard of perfection are you holding yourself to that might be getting in the way of your desired ultimate outcome?
I encourage you to take some time and examine what your beliefs really are.


What is my body really trying to tell me?

Are you blocking or negating feelings that might be trying to inform and guide you?
Do you need more rest? Better nutrition? More water?
Do you need gentle, soothing touch, or do you need deeper, more aggressive body work?
Are those feelings of anger and resentment hiding the fact that you are being invalidated and emotionally abused by someone that is supposed to love and support you?
Are those feelings of depression trying to tell you that what you believe is not the truth of who you really are?
Is the physical pain in your body trying to tell you that there is something that needs medical intervention and that it’s time to see a good physician or surgeon to assist you in your healing process?
Is the physical pain in your body letting you know that you are over-doing something, and that it’s time to rest and relax?
Is the physical pain in your body trying to tell you that you are stuffing emotions, and it’s time to address what is causing you emotional and mental pain?
Is the physical pain in your body trying to tell you that the foods you are eating are causing inflammation and therefore wide-spread pain?

These are just a few of the questions that will help you inform and support yourself as you deal with what might appear to be a setback.

I say “apparent setback” only because that is what we have labeled it, because we have a belief about the schedule on which we should be doing or experiencing life in some way.

But what if it isn’t really a setback at all? What if it is just part of the fabric of our lives and an opportunity to deepen our mastery and our awareness? What if nothing is really broken, but that the “setback” is asking us to see something more clearly so that we can evolve to a higher level of consciousness, physical perfection and awareness?

What if…..?

“Christmas Cheer”

unnamed (2)During this season of Light, Goodwill, Joy and Giving, my thoughts are with you.  I am so grateful that we are traveling this road of personal transformation and healing together.

My family will celebrate Christmas in just a couple of days.  We are so blessed to have come through the many challenges this year as well as we have.

Between a hip and shoulder surgery, my father’s stroke and my husband’s recent knee surgery, we’ve really had some significant healing events this year!  I know that many of you, too, are facing some very big life challenges, and for some it might put a damper on this special holiday season.

However,  as I look around and see others who have even greater challenges, it gives me the strength and determination to pick myself up and move forward. I  know that these events are simply a part of life, and tomorrow will certainly be a better day.
How we face our adversities determines our outcomes.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’ve spent plenty of time in tears, despair, heartache, fear and uncertainty.  It’s part of facing big things in life.

But if we can acknowledge our human shortcomings and simply allow that they, too are part of who we are, we can find the courage and will, and inner strength to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and move forward.

My exceptionally wise grandmother used to say, “Some days you just have to cry, Michelle.”  She was right.  And in that acknowledgement that we hurt, that we feel lonely, that we are afraid, there is great power.  There is an alchemical magic that happens when we simply allow that things are not the way we would like them to be and simply feel the feelings we are experiencing.

There are so many healing modalities out there today to help move people past the pain points they are experiencing.  The Quantum Soul Clearing Process is certainly one of them.  Tapping is another way to help release the stuck emotional energy from the central nervous system, and together they are an amazing combination!

If you are feeling less than joyous, peaceful and centered this season, I would like to invite you to use this combination to help you gently move through the painful times.

We just celebrated the Winter Solstice on December 22nd.  As you know, it is the shortest day of the year.  In some places in the Northern Hemisphere, it never really gets to be full daylight!  But this week, we can celebrate the return of the Light!

Regardless of the faith or tradition you have, this is one thing that we all have in common – a season of celebration for the returning of the Light.  It is a time for Love, Goodwill, Peace, and Connection.

unnamedAs my Christmas/Hannakah/Solstice/Kwanzaa/Holiday gift to you, I want to give you a new template recording of the Quantum Soul Clearing Process.  I’ve intentionally left the frequency area blank so that you can say that feeling/emotion/ frequency for yourself.
I hope this recording helps you release any of the less than joyous emotions that might be keeping you from truly enjoying this beautiful season.

You can listen here!

Wishing you a . .

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Joyous Kwanzaa,
Happy Holidays  and a Joyous, Prosperous  New Year!


The Trick To Making Peace With Change

What do you do when you know you need to make a change but are either too afraid to make it, or you’re not sure how to make those changes?time for change


Most people don’t make changes in their lives until their situation is so painful that they can’t stand it one more minute!  This is typically how decisions are made – whether it pertains to a relationship, clothing styles, new vehicles, careers, addictions, expanding waist lines, or even shopping for groceries.


The problem is that we wait to make changes until we are in a state of crisis, instead of consciousness.  Being in crisis mode causes us to make decisions that are often not in our best interests.  They are made when we are in a state of panic – that fight, flight or freeze state – which means we are literally out of our minds and completely reactive!


Seems kind of silly, doesn’t it? I have yet to meet someone who made a really good decision based on panic.


Yet most people just will not make a decision and do something until they are in some type of crisis.


Change is not something that most of us enjoy, because it involves risk.  It means being uncomfortable.  It means dealing with the unknown.  It could mean the possibility of failing – or wildly succeeding; both of which come with their own fears and insecurities.


But is there an easier way to face and make changes that would make it easier to accomplish?  Are there small things we can do that will help us stop procrastinating and making changes until they are at a critical stage?


Here are some tips that might help you think – and act – differently when facing your next big change:


1 – How do you feel?

Seems like a pretty straight-forward question, but are you really in touch with your feelings?  Or are you a wizard at stuffing uncomfortable feelings?  You know, out of sight out of mind?


When we are unconscious iStock_000006493749Smallabout our feelings, we are not living consciously.  Our feelings are the language of Spirit.  It’s how our Highest Selves let us know if we are on track or are off target.


Feeling awful inside lets us know that we are not in alignment with who we really are!  Feeling good, centered and peaceful are signs that we are aligned with our life purpose and are on the right path.


2 – If you don’t feel comfortable inside, what is the problem?

Sometimes we are aware that something is off, but we can’t quite figure out what it is.  Our subconscious minds are letting our feelings know that there is a problem, or something that needs our attention.  But are you too busy to check inside and determine if you feel happy and peaceful or if you are anxious and afraid?


3 – Know if there is a problem that needs your attention.

This sound like a no-brainer, but if you (or a loved one) is dealing with an addiction, for example, you (or they) may not fully get that there’s problem!  If you are not conscious that there is a problem (or you are denying that it’s as big a problem as it really is), look around you – and look within, as well.


Are you being controlled by something (drugs, cigarettes, chaos, food, sex, alcohol, other people, etc.  Be honest here.  Can you honestly say that you can go without _________ (fill in the blank) for the rest of your life?  Or is it that you just don’t want to?


What I know – and have seen – is that there is a point in addiction when you can still walk away from the substance you are abusing.  However, there is a certain point in that addiction when you cannot, and the addiction or substance completely takes over.


Often, you try to ignore that problem and keep doing what you’re doing, because another fix stops the noise for a few hours, days or weeks or even months.  You tell yourself that you’re cured.  You’ll never do it again – until the next time comes and it’s even more urgent.  That’s when you can be assured it is a real problem.


4 – Know when it’s time to ask for and get help.

Once you acknowledge and identify that there is a problem, then you can decide how to handle it.


If it’s something small like grocery shopping for the next week’s food, you probably have the skills and ability to handle that.  It’s making the time and perhaps changing your mind-set about grocery shopping.


Instead of being a chore or necessary evil you force yourself to submit to when you absolutely have to, could you think of a way to make it more enjoyable or even fun?  Think if it as an opportunity to love and support yourself and your family through healthy eating and creative meal planning.


If it’s a matter of changing jobs or careers, consider doing some aptitude and abilities testing to see what really suits you.  It might be just the ticket to putting you on a whole new career path that allows your natural gifts and abilities to shine!


Do you need some additional training or schooling to get into your preferred field?  If so, start that process.  If not, spend some time updating your resume.  Do some research into the industry you are interested in and start making contacts.  Consider talking to a recruiter or job-placement specialist to help you land your dream job.


If it’s a full-blown addiction you are dealing with, you owe it to yourself to find treatment and counseling that will help you work through the underlying emotional and physical issues that are the basis of that addiction.  Please don’t assume you can do it yourself.  That just sets you up for failure.


There’s no shame in asking for help!  From housekeeping, to hair stylists, to addiction counseling, to career counseling, and beyond.  The smartest, most talented people are the ones that get the most help to insure their success!


5 – Take things in small steps.

shutterstock_132894920It is impossible to eat an entire 7-course meal in one bite.  It would be absolutely foolish to even try!  But you can eat that meal one bite at a time, right?  And remember the old cliche: “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”


Break the problem down into smaller, bite-sized chunks.  Are you dealing with a weight issue?  Don’t obsess about the 80 pounds your physician says you need to lose.  You already know that.  Have that major goal in mind, but break it down a day, week or a month at a time!


Plan a course of action.  It’s not just about calories in and calories out.  That is old-paradigm thinking!


Find an integrative practitioner or ND that can help you uncover any hormonal, fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections that might be contributing to the weight issue.  Ask them to test you for food allergies or intolerance that are causing inflammation and subsequent weight gain.


Or consider a three-week elimination diet that removes wheat, gluten, sugar, soy, corn, eggs, dairy and peanuts – the most common food allergens – from your diet.  Millions of people who have followed this elimination diet have immediately felt better, eliminated physical pain, increased physical energy, and lost weight!


Move your body daily.  You don’t need extreme exercise – especially if you’ve been sedentary or have joint or physical pain!  Walk, dance, use a rebounder, get in a pool, simply stretch.  But get your body moving so that you are increasing how effectively your metabolism burns calories, eliminates toxins, and uses your body’s fat stores for fuel.


Making a day-by-day plan of action, allows you to focus on achieving your goals, and one that can be easily executed.  Plus, if you have a daily plan, you can more easily record and monitor your results so that it is easier to stay on task!iStock_000014790902Small


6 – Be Kind and Gentle With Yourself!

We are often our own worst critic.  Some of the thoughts we think about and say to ourselves we would never say to another living soul!  We are often careless and cruel to ourselves because we’ve either been taught that it’s OK, or that we’ve come to believe that it’s a way to motivate ourselves to succeed.


Nothing could be further from the truth!  That inner destructive self-talk is standing between you and your goals and dreams.  Please stop it!  You are beautiful.  You are smart and intelligent.  You are loveable.  You are worthy.


Don’t let anyone – especially yourself – tell you any different.  Stop bullying yourself and telling lies, because they just aren’t true!  Yes, we’ve all made mistakes.  But give yourself a break – and  HUGE hug.


Start today over.  Start allowing yourself to love yourself.  Start nurturing your dreams and desires.  Start seeing yourself as infinitely capable and smart.  Trust that you have everything it takes to succeed – because you DO!


7 – If you find yourself feeling down, unhappy, uncomfortable in any way, “Stop, Drop and Roll.”


  • Stop doing what you are doing.
  • Drop down inside and connect with your Divine Core Center (that’s in the solar plexus/belly area).
  • Then Roll out the Quantum Soul Clearing Process™.


Begin eliminating and releasing the painful emotions and self-talk until you feel your energy shift and you feel much better.  It won’t take long – and it will pay you MAJOR positive karmic dividends!


I would like to share a special gift for you to help show you how simple the process really is: Click here for the Eliminating Addictions Audio.


Where Is Energy Stagnation Impacting Your Life?

iStock_000018487816Medium   In my Personal Note From Michelle this week, I talked about how clearing up old and dying energy in one part of my life helped breathe new life into other areas of my life. It changed how I felt physically and energetically and it also helped my husband miraculously manifest a place to park our RV closer to where he is working in Santa Cruz.

Even though I know how energy works, part of me thought that it might be a stretch to imagine how pulling up my dying gardens would result in opening the space for him to move closer to work. But then I realized that everything is energy, and is intricately intertwined. I’d been really having to work hard to keep my flowers alive in an extreme drought and they were not doing well. In fact, there were dying from the heat and lack of water. I was living in the energy of struggle.

I realized that with all of my efforts, to make something stay alive, I was tying up some very important energy and not allowing that energy flow to where it needed to be. I was struggling against nature – and against myself!

Once I made that connection, I began to wonder what other areas of my life might need to be cleaned up so that energy can more easily flow throughout my entire life.

Often we don’t see the correlation between a cluttered office, closet or garage, and how that is impacting our financial abundance.

We don’t see how the unresolved resentment and rage we have toward someone in our past is contributing to our lack of health and vitality, or is creating anxiety.

We don’t understand how our unconscious negative self-talk is preventing us from having the most amazing, loving relationship that we’ve been yearning for forever!

But it’s all about the energy….

When you are surrounded by clutter and are storing things that you “might need someday,” you are telling the universe that you just don’t have the abundance to obtain what you need shutterstock_196109159when you need it. You are sending out a very specific energy signature that is all about lack. What you broadcast out always comes back in the same or similar form.

If your closets, drawers, and garage are so full that you can’t put another thing in them, you are literally telling the Universe that there’s no room for anything more! You have everything you need, so there’s no need to send more! You are shutting off the incoming flow of abundance.

I can’t tell you the number of clients that come to me wanting to change their financial abundance. When we look at their personal Money Map, they finally discover what’s blocking their abundance. Often they are shocked to realize the number of deeply held beliefs they have about money they had no idea they were carrying!

Then there are the clients I work with who are on a path of personal empowerment. Their lives are working well for the most part, but deep inside, something feels like it is missing. They are successful, but they don’t feel good about themselves inside. They tend to describe their lives as unfulfilling and boring, and they don’t understand why. They are successful, have a measure of financial abundance, are in committed relationships, but still something is missing.

During these session, we explore and release old programs that help them reconnect to their Real Selves. We look at what might be undermining their self-worth and self-esteem. We uncover the deeply held beliefs that to be an adult means putting child-like emotions and play behind. And much, much more!

shutterstock_51790411Of course, those hidden programs sap their joy and self-fulfillment! As we uncover the beautiful Being within, they can see how the unconscious, deeply held beliefs they’ve had from the past no longer are in alignment with who they have become. As they shed those old programs and align with the truth of their gifts and talents, they can easily allow even greater abundance and personal satisfaction to become their new way of being.

So what about you? What part of your life might be being blocked or has become stagnant, because there is cluttered and dying energy in another area of your life? Although it might appear to be unrelated, I have found that they are absolutely, completely intertwined.

Sometimes, the “cure” for the problem is a simple shift in energy to open up the flow of abundance and well-being. Sometimes it takes a little more digging. Ultimately though, it does take some inner introspection and willingness to look within to discover what is there.

If you are experiencing financial stagnation,consider booking a private Your Unique Money Map appointment with me to find out all the areas that are being impacted, and how we can create greater financial flow and abundance in your life today!