It’s All About Perspective


Has this year seemed to completely flash by for you too?!  I cannot believe we are already well into September! But each day has been filled to the brim with all kinds of energy – both “good” and “bad.”

I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of “good” and “bad.” Because I’m not completely sure there really is such a thing.  

Within each experience there are components of both energetics.  For example, my camping trip to the Giant Redwoods in Northern California this summer was exquisite in so many aspects: Getting to spend time in a primal forest with the amazing intelligence of those magnificent trees is at the top of my list of awesome goodness.

Those nasty, biting mosquitoes that were biting through all our repellant are on my list of “bad.”  I haven’t had a mosquito bite in almost 35 years! And these little buggers were awful!

Which brings me to another “good” and “bad”  Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I don’t know anyone who would say RA is ever a good thing.  Pain, stiffness, disability, deformity, joint replacements, lowered self-esteem, wondering if I would ever work again… The list goes on and on. 

But without that disease process, I would never have found my true calling in life.  I would not have written my book, Quantum Soul Clearing – Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul. You probably would have never even known my name!  And I would never have had 35 years of never having a mosquito bite!

And then there’s the whole family saga with my parents and their need for more care than I can personally give them – and what that means for them.  

For them, they’ve been viewing leaving their home as “bad.” Their health issues as “bad.”  But I’ve had to keep reminding them that there can be some good in it, too. Even it is a hard transition. 

My mom can now not have to worry about having to prepare three meals a day for herself and my dad.  There’s a active community of people to interact and play with, going to movies, and theatre, playing games and even learning new things!  And best of all, they don’t have to work so darned hard to keep up a HUGE house and two acres!

So, what’s my point?  And what have I learned over all these years?

My point is that we cannot classify everything as solely good or bad.  Even things that can feel catastrophic in the beginning. There is a spectrum.  And it depends on your point of view.  

In the beginning, when I was first diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I was 26 years old.  I had two small children, age seven and four. And, literally, overnight, I was hit hard. I lost my ability to move.  For months I could scarcely get out of bed. And at one point I was even bed-ridden for almost two years.  

Yes, things looked pretty bleak.  And I struggled. A lot. I was depressed and I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it from one day to the next.  And the years I was bed-ridden, I thought I was going to die – and afraid I wouldn’t, and afraid I would. Those were some very dark days.  For me and for my family.

But inside every profound challenge is a silver lining.  Sometimes you can’t see that lining until you’re in a much different place.  But I promise you, there is one!

So how do you begin to find that silver lining?  What does it take?

I realize now, that it’s all about perspective, and point of view.

What if you could take a look at your experience from a completely different point of view?  How can you see what it is that looks so dark and hopeless from a different vantage point?

No I’m not talking about being all Merry Sunshine and Polly Anna about this.  No, I’m just saying, what if you could look at what you’re going through in a way that helped you find different answers that could help you grow from the difficult situation you might find yourself in?

What if, instead of proclaiming, “This is a disaster!”, you could ask the questions, “What else is possible?”  “What if I wasn’t feeling or experiencing this, what would I be feeling and experiencing from my Expanded Being’s point of view?”, and one of my favorites, “What can I create from this?”

We are profoundly powerful Creator Beings.  What if our point of view in any given moment is actually creating the outcome and even our current reality?

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I hear you say.  “More of that crazy Law of Attraction BS.”  

But what if it’s not LOA, per se. (WARNING:  This might make you mad and make you question my sanity!) What if the LOA has actually been hi-jacked and contaminated in ways, to keep you in a loop of creating in a space of unreality and even a synthetic reality that doesn’t serve you? What if I can show you how to bypass that contamination and create like you are designed to create?

I’ve been working on this for some time now, and with the help of some brilliant people in my life who have been concurrently working on this, I have made some major breakthroughs.  

Much of this “reality” we’ve been told is “real” is anything but REAL. Through the New Age movement, we’ve been gently but increasingly led down a wrong path.  It’s led many of us to financial ruin, ill health, messed up relationships, exhaustion, and doubting everything about ourselves. And yes, I got sucked in too.  

But now it’s time to reclaim our sovereignty and get back to who we really are:  Expanded, Powerful Co-Creator Beings.

Don’t get me wrong!  I’m not advocating going back to organized anything.  But what I’ve been experiencing, and what I’d like to show you, is how much interference and manipulation we’ve all been subject to – and how to stop it.

Over the next several months, I’ll be talking more about this.  I’m developing a system, with the Quantum Soul Clearing Process, to strip away the interference and manipulation.  I want to pull back the curtains on what is REALLY going on and how to free yourself from it all.  

It’s the interference and manipulation behind all the violence, and all the human suffering on this planet.  And it’s time to step up and teach this so it can stop. 

Are you in?  If you think I’m crazy, I’d be the first to agree with you.  But sometimes, crazy is actually what is needed. Check in with your personal authority.  What feels right for you?  

And if this feels right for you, let’s connect.  

I have some new (to me) tools to share and some new people and their work that I think will also help.  

Stay tuned for upcoming emails and a whole new 4-week challenge.  It’s going to be a TON of fun!

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