What Do You Do If Mother’s Day Isn’t All Hearts and Flowers?

Happy mothers day letter on wood heart and pink carnation flower

Mother’s Day: Hearts, flowers, cards, celebration, connection, Love. If this time of year brings you feelings of connection and love, I am delighted for you, and I celebrate your loving family that helped create the amazing YOU that you are.

However, for many, this is not and has not been their experience.

For many men and women, it brings up painful childhood memories of loss, abandonment, neglect, even abuse. And the Mother’s Day weekend just adds salt to the wound. Celebrating a past that was challenging may bring more grief and sadness that things weren’t the way they wanted their childhood to be.

  • What do you do if Mother’s Day brings up painful emotions? How do you work through them? Here’s what has worked for me when I’ve found myself in emotional pain.
  • Allow yourself to feel all of your feelings. It’s OK. And it’s honest.
  • Allow yourself to cry if you feel like it, rage if you feel like it, but do it in a safe environment where you aren’t hurting yourself or others.
  • Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor if you are overwhelmed.
  • Write your feelings down so you can get them out of your body and see them clearly on paper. Write until there isn’t anything else you want to say.
  • Begin tapping on the body points to help release the energy from your body.
  • Put on some music and dance the emotions out. Get sweaty! And dance like no one is watching!
  • Use the Quantum Soul Clearing Process to fully eliminate the negative frequencies and create new, positive neural networks throughout your body.
  • Take a walk in the sunshine and fresh air to help “reboot” your body.
  • Eat as cleanly as possible, but if your body is demanding comfort food, eat with enjoyment and no judgment. Savor every bite.
  • Take a long Epsom salt bath to pull the toxins from your body.
  • Put your right hand on your heart and your left hand over your right hand while you send love and reparenting to yourself. Allow your body to rock back and forth or side to side as you soothe and nurture yourself.
  • Most of all, be gentle with yourself. Part of being human is to feel fragile and vulnerable.

I’ve used all of these things (sometimes all of them in one day when things were really overwhelming!) to help me release the negative emotions of old memories, and step into a more loving, positive space.

Life isn’t always what we wanted or asked for. But you’re not broken. In fact, I believe your vulnerability is your greatest strength. Because you’re in my community, it’s because you’re resilient. Strong. And you want to change.

And that is powerful beyond words!

If you need help to shift the energy of a painful past, know that I am here for you. You can set up a connection call with me by clicking on this link: https://michellemanningkogler.as.me/?appointmentType=4193382

And as a Mother’s Day gift to you, to help shift your energy and bring greater joy into your life, here’s a link for a free meditation to help you Releasing Limitations and Finding Joy http://www.quantumsoulclearing.com/gifts/findjoygift

I’m wishing you a lovely Mother’s Day, filled with love, self-love and harmony.


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