How Does Quantum Soul Clearing Impact Your Life?


I launched my podcast last December. Epic Healing Transformations was created as a way to share my work and the work of others with the world. My intention has been to use it as a resource for anyone who might be struggling with some “dark night of the soul” issue. To see how people have used different healing modalities to rise above adversity. To move beyond profound limitations and to bring their work into the world. And most of all, to be inspired!

In the process of bringing my podcast into the world, I have also been asked to be on other podcaster’s shows! It’s been such a fun new way to share the Quantum Soul Clearing process with new audiences.

But last week, after the interview on Melinda Whittstock’s Wings of Inspired Business podcast, I got an email from a dear client and friend who lives in Australia, that made me stop and think! I love how she always challenges me to think in different ways!

Because I am the person through which the Quantum Soul Clearing Process was birthed, I see it in a very unique way. I teach others to become Quantum Soul Clearing Process practitioners and I certify them to coach others with the process. Coaches, psychologists and counselors use my process in their practices to help their clients. I makes me feel good know that other certified practitioners are helping the world, because I simply cannot help everyone.
But this dear client made me stop and think. I was describing the QSC process during the interview, and its outcomes in one way, and she said, that when she asked herself the following questions, her answers were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than mine! This shocked and surprised me!

Here’s just SOME of the eight pages of how the QSC process makes her feel. I was completely blown away!

“Quantum Soul Clearing is about energetic hygiene and it is very personalized method to clear away all sadness, lack, emotional pain, memories that impact us negatively, and all and every sensation of injustice, anger, fear, blame, that is lying dormant within the emotional body of each and every one of us, causing a heavy and terrible weight upon us across the decades of our lives. QSC clears this terrible sense of owning all this emotional sadness and pain causes an endless ongoing cycle of burden, depression and suffering on many levels. Inevitably it causes physical illness and diseases too such as cancer which I experienced. QSC teaches the participant a way out.”

She went on to say:

“The QSC method gave me freedom from suffering, burden, guilt, blame, anger, fear, injustice and continuous and the ongoing churning over all these sufferings that kept living in my inner body. When I practice QSC I feel as if a spiritual vacuum cleaner purified every cell of my body and I am cleansed, purified, re energized and re-started on a brand new level. This is how QSC impacts me every single time I participate in a session with Michelle.”

I kinda had to laugh, because I immediately reflected back to when I was publishing my book and had to find a cover that symbolized what Quantum Soul Clearing does and how it makes you feel.

At the time, I was trying to find peaceful, zen-like pictures. Japanese Rock placement, sand gardens, peaceful beach scenes. Because for ME, that’s how I felt after doing the process. Happy, serene, centered, empowered.

But a friend of mine was like, “NO! I feel energized! I feel ALIVE! I FEEL AMAZING! Like every cell in my body just exploded with LIGHT and healing! That peaceful crap is only a part of what I feel – a small part!”

So here’s the picture, if you haven’t seen the cover of my book yet:


So let me ask you these two questions:

1 – What is the Quantum Soul Clearing Process?
2 – How did it impact you as a participant?

And then I also want to ask you this:

3 – How is your life different after using the Quantum Soul Clearing Process?

Will you please email me your answers?

Now, there’s a reason I’m asking these questions (although my friend has no idea about this!) I’m looking for a major university that does scientific and quantum experiments to help me do a major research project to show the effects on the human body, mind, energy fields and lives when the use the Quantum Soul Clearing Process.

I have had tons of anecdotal evidence of how people’s lives have changed. But I want the scientific proof too. I can say it does this or that or whatever. But proof is proof. And we now have the advanced scientific tools to show what happens to the blood, the oxygen levels, the brain patterns, the energy fields, etc. I want to follow participants for 6 and then 12 months to show the changes that are possible when they use this healing practice! (So if you know someone who can help me with a documentary and the science, please connect us!)

So, as a beginning of that science project, will you take just a moment to email me at

I would really appreciate it! And it will help further science! Pretty exciting, huh??

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